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Marvel Rivals Guide

Clone Rumble Explained

Updated on Mar 13, 2025
Mar 13, 2025

Galacta's Cosmic Adventure

A brand new game mode has launched with Galacta’s Cosmic adventure! Clone rumble allows all six members of a team to play as the same hero, which has led to some wacky and hilarious matches. 

The limited time event lasts from Friday, March 7, 2025, 01:00 AM PT until Friday, April 11, 01:59 AM PT. During this period, players can complete challenges to earn “Galacta’s Power Cosmic.” 

Look for challenges with the attached Galacta’s Power Cosmic icon to ensure you’re earning them as fast as possible. Challenges are available in all game modes, but each weekend a few challenges will be limited to Clone Rumble only.

Once you’ve earned enough Galacta’s Power Cosmic, you can then trade them in for Chrono-Crystal dice rolls to move along the game board and unlock the prize Galacta lands on!

Be sure to claim your free dice roll and reset the timer so you can get another free one!

Clone Rumble FAQ

Let’s begin by answering a few common questions:

Q: When can I play Clone Rumble?

A: Clone Rumble will be available each weekend during the special event:

    • Friday, March 7, 1:00 AM PT - Monday, March 10, 2:00 AM PT
    • Friday, March 14, 2:00 AM PT - Monday, March 17, 2:00 AM PT
    • Friday, March 21, 2:00 AM PT -  Monday, March 24th, 2:00 AM PT

Q: Does my entire team have to play the same hero?

A: No, each team has access to both heroes that were selected. 

Q: How are the Clone heroes chosen? 

A: Everyone has 20 seconds to vote on a hero during the “Pick Phase” before the match begins. The number of votes a hero gets, along with how many different heroes were voted on by your team, determines the odds of that hero being the final selection.

Q: Which maps and game modes are in Clone Rumble?

A: Currently, Clone Rumble is limited to the Domination map Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda: Birin T’Challa.

Check out our map guide to learn how to win games on Birin T’Challa

Q: How do I unlock the free Black Widow skin?

A: You’ll need to keep earning Chrono-Crystal dice rolls until Galacta lands on the square containing the Widow skin.

Clone Rumble Strategies

Strategies and Hero Recommendations

In the reveal trailer, the devs already gave us some ideas of what can only be made possible by Clone Rumble. They showed one Iron Man shoot his ultimate into a circle of 11 Captain Americas who all use their shields to bounce around the projectile like a game of pinball.

Here are a few other ideas to try, as well as tips for when you are in the mood to try hard:

Best heroes for Clone Rumble

You can’t control the 2nd hero choice that the enemy team votes for, so you’re safest bet is choosing a hero that is self-reliant. Heroes with a high skill floor and self-sustain are the best choices when you are focused on winning.

Some of the best examples are Magik, Black Panther and Mantis. Panther and Magik are especially strong in Clone Rumble as they are difficult to use for those in the lobby without much experience. They also generate Bonus Health, so they can stay alive longer if they are performing well.

Lastly, if there are Strategists selected, the team that only has one person or less plays them will likely lose.

Fun comps to try

Fire Fight

In standard mode, having two Human Torches already can be difficult to differentiate between friendly and enemy flames. Now imagine up to 12 Johnny Storms igniting Pryo-Prisons all over the map. The best part about these Clone matches is that ground flames are useless against the flying Torch, so you'll be dog fighting in the air!

Snipers only

Test your skills and vote for Black Widow. If you are able to get most of the players to agree in match chat, you can have a sniper face off and see who has the fastest aim. Just know if the other team happens to vote for a melee hero like Iron Fist, you’re in for a rough time.

Off the ledge

Matches where everyone plays Jeff the Land Shark end up being ult charge races. Whoever can farm ult to fastest gets massive environmental KOs!

Pro tip: Activate your ult after an enemy Jeff has already activated theirs. They can’t swallow you and anyone they are spitting off the ledge, you can gulp up if you swallow right as they are spitting them out.

Builder Comp

Select Groot as your team's hero and coordinate with your teammates to create structures, bridges, and wooden houses. These giant wooden structures are death traps as multiple Thornlash Walls quickly kill all enemies. Groot is also a good hero for clone rumble since Ironwood Wall provides self healing.

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