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Zac·Mid Guide

Cell DivisionP
Stretching StrikesQ
Unstable MatterW
Elastic SlingshotE
Let's Bounce!R
Win rate52.5%
Pick rate0.3%
Ban rate3.4%
Matches3 825-
Zac Mid has a 52.5% win rate and 0.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Zac Mid, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Zac Mid guide!
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Zac Jungle
Zac Mid
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Zac Strengths & Weaknesses

Zac has great all-in potential throughout the laning phase. As soon as the enemy moves forward or overextends, he can look to play aggressive.

His Passive and Ultimate Let's Bounce!R can allow him to singlehandedly take a group of enemies out of a major team fight by simply zoning them away. He can also deal a lot of damage to the enemy backline if they ignore Zac.

Zac has good sustain in lane, thanks to his blobs. The additional health and sustain lets him survive harder matchups and out heal the enemy.


Once he goes in with his Elastic SlingshotE, he can’t get out due to his Elastic SlingshotE being on a very high cooldown initially.

If his Passive is down, he can’t play as aggressively due to the threat of him being killed. This is applicable for early to mid-game fights only.

Teams with lots of CC and disengage tools are really good against Zac. He struggles to get onto targets, use his Ultimate Let's Bounce!R and make use of his Stretching StrikesQ when the enemy has escapes/ or CC.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Zac is Average

Look for regular all-ins with your Unstable MatterW and Elastic SlingshotE in this matchup. It will allow you to chunk immobile mages really easily and you can win the lane early on.

When taking fights, make sure that you utilize the fog of war to catch the enemy off-guard. If the enemy has a dash, make sure that you bait it out first.

As long as your Passive is up, you should be able to make risky plays in this matchup. Make sure that you don't do anything that places you in a compromising position in the lane.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Zac is Average

You should be a part of neutral objectives as your Ultimate Let's Bounce!R will allow you to disrupt fights easily. Your Stretching StrikesQ can let you kill enemies who decide to come through choke points.

Always make sure that you are peeling for your carries during the fight. Your tankiness and Passive should allow you to do so very easily.

Set up engages by using the fog of war relentlessly. This will allow you to pick off enemies who are aimlessly wandering through their Jungle.

Late game
25+ min
Zac is Average

Your tankiness will be god-like during this phase of the game so make sure that you set up fights and also peel for your carries during the fights.

As you get your items, you should have a really easy time blowing enemies up with ease. Set some deep wards to facilitate long-ranged Stretching StrikesQs on the enemy team.

During neutral objective fights, you should be able to disrupt a fight due to your Ultimate Let's Bounce!R, especially if the enemy is clumped. Just make sure that you land the ability.

How to Play Zac
How to Play Zac
Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Xin Zhao’s first power spike in lane is at level 3. He can all-in the enemy at level 3 when he gets access to all 3 basic abilities.

At level 6, Xin Zhao’s kill pressure heavily increases. He can instantly kill any enemy laner and chase them down once he has his Ultimate Let's Bounce!R.

After Xin has picked up his first component item, he can trade very aggressively with the enemy. Furthermore, the extra damage he gets from this item will help him last hit and farm easily.

Mid game15 - 25 min

Xin Zhao will have two points in his Ultimate at level 11. It will allow him to use the ability more often, making it easier for him to convert fights into a 1 v 1 as and when required.

His first ability will be maxed out by the time he hits level 9. This is a crucial power spike as it massively increases his damage output and dueling capacity.

Xin is excellent in team fights and picking of enemies due to his kit. His Ultimate will allow him to single out enemies, allowing him to be immune from ranged carries.

Late game25+ min

Having three points in his Ultimate is a massive powerspike for Xin Zhao. This will allow him to use the ability frequently, giving him an overall benefit during fights.

Xin will have two of his abilities maxed out by level 14. This is a significant boost to his dueling power, and it will let him dominate 1 v 1's with utmost ease.

During this phase of the game, Xin will be really tanky while simultaneously dealing a ton of damage to his enemies. This means that he will be tough to take down, and immobile or CC'd enemy carries will mostly die if they can't get Xin away from them.

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