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Zac·Support Guide

Cell DivisionP
Stretching StrikesQ
Unstable MatterW
Elastic SlingshotE
Let's Bounce!R
Win rate48.2%
Pick rate0.6%
Ban rate3.0%
Matches6 555-
Zac Support has a 48.2% win rate and 0.6% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Zac Support, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Zac Support guide!
Zac Top
Zac Jungle
Zac Mid
Zac Bot
Zac Support
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Zac Strengths & Weaknesses

Zac has great all-in potential throughout the laning phase. As soon as the enemy moves forward or overextends, he can look to play aggressive.

His Passive and Ultimate Let's Bounce!R can allow him to singlehandedly take a group of enemies out of a major team fight by simply zoning them away. He can also deal a lot of damage to the enemy backline if they ignore Zac.

Zac has good sustain in lane, thanks to his blobs. The additional health and sustain lets him survive harder matchups and out heal the enemy.


Once he goes in with his Elastic SlingshotE, he can’t get out due to his Elastic SlingshotE being on a very high cooldown initially.

If his Passive is down, he can’t play as aggressively due to the threat of him being killed. This is applicable for early to mid-game fights only.

Teams with lots of CC and disengage tools are really good against Zac. He struggles to get onto targets, use his Ultimate Let's Bounce!R and make use of his Stretching StrikesQ when the enemy has escapes/ or CC.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Zac is Average

Use the lane brushes to score knockup on the enemy laner whenever possible. Go for quick burst trades and then back off.

Once you get your first item, you should be able to extend the duration of your fights. Just make sure you keep the river warded as you will get ganked otherwise.

Getting your Ultimate Let's Bounce!R will allow you to be a part of many team fights. Focus on zoning the squishier targets off during skirmishes.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Zac is Average

Keep roaming and try to get picks with your Jungler. You are extremely good at it, and securing picks should be easy due to the enemy team changing lane assignments frequently.

Use the fog of war to catch enemies off-guard whenever you get the chance. This will allow your team to follow up and get easy kills on the enemy.

Peel for your ADC every time, as they will be the primary source of your damage in the game. Do not go in blindly, and make sure you have enough follow-up damage from your team.

Late game
25+ min
Zac is Average

You will be really tanky during this phase of the game so make sure that you initiate fights for your team. Let your team know before you all in, though, and keep track of your Passive.

Chokepoint fights will be your bread and butter. Your ability to keep the enemies zoned out is next to none, and hence you should not let them come close to the objective pits.

Always try to separate the enemy backline from the enemy frontline. This will let your allies play more freely and will keep them safe from the damage dealt by the enemy backline.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

His boots will give him a massive powerspike as it allows him to roam easily, and he can rotate between lanes easily. It can also allow him to set traps for the enemy by recalling early and walking back to the lane faster than his enemies.

level 2 and level 3 are significant power spikes as it allows Zac to bolster his all-in potential. Both levels add a layer to his all-in and CC, which will enable his ADC to follow up on all-ins with ease.

level 6 is another major powerspike as it can allow Zac to affect team fights massively. It will make neutral objective fights way easier for him.

Mid game15 - 25 min

Zac is quite decent during team fights, especially if he can use the fog of war to his advantage. He will be able to CC multiple targets and completely decimate the opposition if they are not careful.

Getting two points in his Ultimate Let's Bounce!R will increase the overall damage that he deals and decrease the ability's cooldown. This means that Zac will be able to look for picks more frequently.

At level 9, he will have his first ability maxed out. He will have a massive range advantage from now on and will be able to execute roams effectively.

Late game25+ min

Zac is quite good in late-game team fights, especially if he manages to get a flank on the enemy. Another reason why he is so good is that he can easily bypass vision and catch the enemy off-guard.

Zac will be extremely tanky during this stage, and the enemy team will have a tough time killing him. This also means that he can act as an engager for a team and then revert back to peeling for his carries once the engagement is over.

Once he gets three points in his Ultimate Let's Bounce!R, he will be able to use it frequently and deal a lot of damage to the enemy team at a go. He should be able to catch enemies off-guard easily, especially when using the fog of war.

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