Warwick·Top Counters

Win rate | 53.6% |
Pick rate | 2.9% |
Ban rate | 6.5% |
Matches | 42 668- |

Warwick matchups
Warwick counter tips
Overall Average













Laning Against Warwick
Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you.
Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing.
At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate R in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.
Strategy VS Warwick
Warwick will look to pick someone off with his Ultimate R to start the fight. Make sure your flanks are warded so you can spot him before he is able to catch someone out of position.
Try to poke and delay a team fight for as long as possible. Warwick is vulnerable to poke and disengage and if you’re able to poke him down, it will be risky for him to engage.
Getting Ulted R by Warwick in a team fight can be game-changing. Be prepared to Flash his engage if you have it up. If not, invest in a QSS so you can escape the CC or lock him down/ interrupt his channel with CC.
Warwick Power Spikes
Warwick is very weak early and he will be focusing on farming and surviving the very early game.
At level 6, Warwick will be a lot stronger. His Ultimate R is a great tool to start fights, look for roams and much more. Recall when low so he doesn’t kill you.
Warwick is weak early, but strong in the later parts of the laning phase once he has some levels and items under his belt.