Warwick·Jungle Guide
![Eternal Hunger](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/WarwickP.png?v2)
![Jaws of the Beast](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/WarwickQ.png?v2)
![Blood Hunt](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/WarwickW.png?v2)
![Primal Howl](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/WarwickE.png?v2)
![Infinite Duress](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/WarwickR.png?v2)
Win rate | 52.0% |
Pick rate | 3.2% |
Ban rate | 13.1% |
Matches | 11 921- |
Extremely healthy clears early on which allows him to gank overextended lanes quite easily. He can also prioritize taking objectives quickly and starving the enemy Jungler off of farm.
His E can allow him to take reduced damage in team fights as well as disrupt a fight with the fear on his
E. This can allow him to change the tide of a fight quite easily.
His W can allow him to detect low health enemies on the map. He can then use this information and communicate with his team. This can allow him to take free objectives and secure kills on unsuspecting enemies.
Can’t gank effectively until he gets his Ultimate R. This gives a huge window where enemy laners can easily get a lead on Warwick’s allies.
His E forms a major part of his kit which allows him to dive into the enemy team. Without this, he can’t do much so keeping a track on this ability’s usage will allow his enemies to counter Warwick quite easily.
Warwick’s Q can carry him to the enemy champion, but this can be used against him as bait. Any champion with a blink or dash can easily displace him under their tower and put him in a very disadvantageous position.
0 - 15 min
Focus on farming and hitting level 6 as quickly as you can. You need to hit level 6 as fast as possible to increase your ganking potential.
Your Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool. Whenever it is up, try to use it to help your allies and get kills.
Try to secure objectives with your team. If you can, try to keep it warded at all times if you’re not in a position to take it yourself.
15 - 25 min
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!
As you’re a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game.
Look for picks with your team. If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead.
25+ min
After going in with your Ultimate R, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights.
To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone.
Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate
R is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it’s still on cooldown.
![Early Game](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/jungle-path/ww_blue_clear_new.png)
Warwick can gank pretty well early on, especially if he manages to hit level three and gets access to all his abilities. Once that is done, he should be able to shut down overextended enemies with ease.
Level 6 is a massive power spike as it allows him to pick targets off. The range on that ability is enormous, making it quite effective from the fog of war.
Warwick's objective control is really high. This is mainly due to his Q healing, which allows him to take neutral objectives really fast.
At level 11, he will have access to his level two Ultimate R. This will allow him to use his Ultimate
R more frequently while increasing the healing and damage dealt with the help of that ability.
The first ability will get maxed out at level 9. At that point, Warwick will become really powerful. He will be able to sustain himself easily while doing primary objectives or taking part in significant fights.
Warwick is extremely good at making picks, thanks to his Ultimate R. This helps him make picks from the fog of war which will definitely catch enemies off guard.
Once Warwick manages to get the third point into his Ultimate R, he will be ganking and picking enemies off throughout the map. Any immobile enemy will be highly unsafe now.
Warwick will deal a lot of damage while being extremely tanky along with it. This means that he can both serve as an engager as well as a peeler for his team.
At level 14, two of his abilities will be completely maxed out. This will be an augmentation to his overall gank potential, and Warwick will benefit significantly from it.