Vi·Jungle Guide
Win rate | 49.9% |
Pick rate | 6.0% |
Ban rate | 1.8% |
Matches | 21 973- |
Her early game Jungle power is a force to be reckoned with as she dishes out a lot of damage in any duel if she manages to land all her abilities. Her W allows her to tank with ease too.
Very good objective control and sustain due to her Passive and her damage. Can easily get her team an early dragon lead, after successfully ganking a lane with her Q.
Her Ultimate R can allow her to focus a target down, which has two uses depending on her role in the game. Either she can use it to peel someone off her carries, or she can use it to get to a high priority carry (like Vayne for instance).
Pre-6, if Vi misses her Q when trying to gank a lane, she will have nothing to follow up with. She will be over extended and may even die for it.
Her kit allows her to go in like a champ but she will have no way out after that. If she goes in too deep, she can easily be killed, which will translate to easy objectives for the enemy team.
Falls off during the late game due to all the enemies building defenses. She is then left to either peel for her team or look for flanks in order to assassinate the enemy carry (probably at the expense of her own life).
0 - 15 min
Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead. You are a strong early game Jungler, so make sure you try to exploit your early advantage.
Look to secure objectives whenever they’re up. This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along.
Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank.
15 - 25 min
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!
As you’re a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game.
Look for picks with your team. If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead.
25+ min
After going in with your Ultimate R, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights.
To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone.
Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting with out it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it’s still on cooldown.
Vi's early game ganks are pretty decent due to her Q. She will just have to play around with vision to ensure that she doesn't get detected while charging up her Q.
Level 6 is a massive power spike for Vi. She will be able to single out enemies and burst them down. The CC is quite beneficial as well as it helps her team follow up on Vi's engagement.
Vi has great objective control with her Passive, W, and E. This means that she will melt through objectives and completely take over the game.
Vi has excellent pick potential with her Ultimate R. The range allows her to catch enemies off-guard with her Ultimate R and kill her targets due to her burst damage.
Vi's objective control will still be preserved during this phase of the game. This means that she can quickly melt through towers with her E and take neutral objectives with ease.
Her impact will be massive during the mid-game. This is because she will have her core items, and she will be able to pick enemies off with ease with her Ultimate R. She can easily flank the enemy and get to their backline.
Vi's pick potential will still be preserved during this stage of the game. She should be able to get into the backline and lockdown high-priority targets with ease as well.
She will now have three points in her Ultimate R. This means that Vi can easily use the ability to lock down enemies in a frequent fashion. Any squishy enemy target will have a hard time playing the game.
This is the point of the game where Vi starts to fall off. This means that she will have to focus on peeling for her carries or acting as an engager when possible.