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Vi·Jungle Counters

Blast ShieldP
Vault BreakerQ
Denting BlowsW
Relentless ForceE
Cease and DesistR
Win rate49.2%
Pick rate7.3%
Ban rate3.1%
Matches68 870-
Vi Jungle has a 49.2% win rate and 7.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Based on our analysis of 68 870 matches, the best counters for Vi Jungle are Taliyah, Shyvana, Nocturne, Gwen and Volibear. On the other hand, Vi Jungle counters Nidalee, Skarner, Zed, Rengar and Ivern.
Vi Top
Vi Jungle
Vi Mid
Vi Bot
Vi Support

Vi matchups

Jungle Jungle  Patch 15.6

Vi counter tips

General advice on how to play against Vi
These champs are strong against Vi at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Vi.
Laning Against Vi

Laning Against Vi

Keep the Dragon warded at all times. Vi has good objective control and take them pretty easily. One way of countering this is by keeping the objectives warded or taking them before she gets the chance to.

As Vi is an early game Jungler, try to place vision around her jungle entrances and in the river to reduce the chance of her getting successful ganks off. Vi can gank from level 3 onwards once she has her Vault BreakerQ.

Try your hardest to equal Vi’s pressure by ganking often or counter ganking her. If you’re not as good as her in the early game, try to secure objectives if she shows on the opposite side of the map or invade her jungle and steal away camps.

Strategy VS Vi

Strategy VS Vi

Keep in mind that Vi has great pick potential with her Ultimate Cease and DesistR. Avoid walking too far forward in a team fight as she may pick someone off who has stepped out of line.

Depending on Vi’s build path, she could look to assassinate targets that are walking around Summoners Rift alone. If she is ahead with lots of damage, do not go through the river if it’s not warded.

If Vi initiates a fight with her Vault BreakerQ, try to burst her down before she is able to activate her UltimateCease and DesistR. Even though she is tanky, she is prone to burst damage and CC.

Vi Power Spikes

Vi Power Spikes

At level 6, Vi will get access to her Ultimate Cease and DesistR. Whenever this ability is up, her ability to gank increases dramatically.

When Vi hit’s level 3/4, she will start to gank thanks to her having access to all her basic abilities. Expect her to start ganking around this time.

As soon as Vi gets Trinity Force, her damage output and kill pressure increases a lot. Avoid 1v1’s with her unless you have a clear advantage.


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