Taric·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 47.4% |
Pick rate | 0.0% |
Ban rate | 0.5% |
Matches | 5 497- |
Taric matchups
Taric counter tips
Overall Average
Tahm Kench
Laning Against Taric
Taric will look for cheesy plays in your jungle to get kills. Watch as you walk into your own jungle so he doesn’t take you down quickly.
He can start ganking really early on. Make sure you place wards around the map to spot him before he can get his allies ahead.
Take the Dragons as often as you can! He cannot take them easily alone, so if you can take them before him, you will be helping your team alot.
Strategy VS Taric
Disengage as soon as Taric has activated his Ultimate R so the enemy takes damage. If a target is low though, try to burst them down quickly before the Ultimate R comes into effect.
Taric has surprisingly good engage and catch potential with his E. Watch his positioning at all times so it’s really difficult for him to catch someone out.
Invest in an Executioner’s Calling to reduce the healing of Taric in team fights.
Taric Power Spikes
Taric could start ganking as soon as he hits level 3. He will also be quite strong at the scuttle crab fight.
Taric’s going to be very strong in team fights as his Ultimate R can be used to protect his allies. Disengage or finish the targets off quickly as his Ultimate R comes down.
His healing and shielding will be obnoxious in team fights. Get some form of healing reduction to make him less powerful.