Bard·Support Counters
Win rate | 51.3% |
Pick rate | 4.8% |
Ban rate | 0.6% |
Matches | 27 218- |
Bard matchups
Bard counter tips
Overall Average
Tahm Kench
Laning Against Bard
Bard will leave lane to pick up Chimes when it’s safe. Abuse the fact that he is missing to all-in the enemy ADC.
Try and stay away from the minion wave at all times. This will make it really hard for him to land his Q and stun you. Don’t stand too close to the wall so he can’t stun you that way either.
When playing as a melee champion, don’t stand too close to him or the minion wave otherwise he can poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Walk forward when you want to harass or last hit, but return back to safety afterwards.
Strategy VS Bard
Do not group to closely together during the mid-game as Bard can use his Ultimate R to catch out multiple champions. Being hit by his Ultimate R can allow his team to either kill the caught out enemies or focus the enemies who are not golden.
Because Bard’s Q can stun enemies who are close to a wall, be prepared to take an alternative route when walking towards the Dragon or Baron. Being stunned and killed before a major objective spawns will result in the enemy taking the objective for free.
Overstaying while low under your own tower is a big no-no against Bard. Thanks to his Ultimate R, he can put your Tower in stasis and kill you shortly afterwards.
Bard Power Spikes
Bard’s early game is quite strong thanks to his empowered auto-attacks. Try not to let him bully and harass you for free otherwise you’ll never be able to engage or fight him- especially if you’re melee.
Bard’s level 6 power spike is not as strong as some champions as his Ultimate R doesn’t deal any damage. If you have a damaging Ultimate, you’ll be able to beat him at level 6. Or, you’ll at least force him to use his Ultimate R defensively.
As the game goes along, Bard becomes stronger and stronger as he collects more chimes. Keep this in mind when playing against him.