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TaliyahĀ·Mid Counters

Rock SurfingP
Threaded VolleyQ
Seismic ShoveW
Unraveled EarthE
Weaver's WallR
Win rate52.5%
Pick rate2.0%
Ban rate1.2%
Matches36 822-
Taliyah Mid has a 52.5% win rate and 2.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Based on our analysis of 36 822 matches, the best counters for Taliyah Mid are Katarina, Anivia, Lux, Annie and Talon. On the other hand, Taliyah Mid counters Corki, Smolder, Ambessa, Yasuo and Jayce.
Taliyah Top
Taliyah Jungle
Taliyah Mid
Taliyah Bot
Taliyah Support

Taliyah matchups

Mid MidĀ āˆ™Ā PatchĀ 14.23

Taliyah counter tips

General advice on how to play against Taliyah
These champs are strong against Taliyah at most phases of the game. Theyā€™re listed based on their win rate against Taliyah.
Champion counters video
Laning Against Taliyah

Laning Against Taliyah

Try to match Taliyahā€™s wave clear during the laning phase. Matching her wave clear will reduce her ability to roam.

Taliyah doesnā€™t gain access to a damaging Ultimate Weaver's WallR at level 6. If youā€™re a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse her weakness at this time.

When trading with Taliyah, always keep behind at least 1 minion. This will make it very difficult for her to deal damage with her Threaded VolleyQ. Make sure you also watch out for her Seismic ShoveW.

Strategy VS Taliyah

Strategy VS Taliyah

Taliyah will want to delay a team fight for as long as possible while she pokes you down with her Threaded VolleyQ. Try and force a fight as soon as you spot her.

Avoid splitting up and playing alone. Taliyahā€™s Ultimate Weaver's WallR will allow her to pick off enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance. Do not push up too far forward if you have no one nearby.

Taliyah has good pick potential with her Seismic ShoveW. If you donā€™t know where Taliyah is in the mid-game, do not walk around Summoners Rift alone and avoid areas without vision as she may be looking to set up a surprise attack.

Taliyah Power Spikes

Taliyah Power Spikes

Taliyahā€™s kill pressure doesnā€™t increase at level 6 but her ability to roam does. If youā€™re strong at level 6, try to abuse her.

After she has her first item completed, Taliyah can quickly push the wave with her Threaded VolleyQ. Ensure youā€™re always behind the minion wave or outside of it so she cannot push and poke at the same time.

The more items she gets the stronger Taliyah will be. Avoid letting her poke you down with Threaded VolleyQ as she will deal lots of damage to you. In particular, do not let her delay a team fight with her Threaded VolleyQ.
