
Win rate | 51.1% |
Pick rate | 4.8% |
Ban rate | 1.6% |
Matches | 33 491- |
Soraka Support has a 51.1% win rate and 4.8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Below, you will find thorough guides with videos on every available Soraka combo. Learn, improve, and step up your Soraka gameplay with Mobalytics!

To suprise your enemies with an engage Flash then instantly Q E followed by some AA's.
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To save a teammate R then instantly Flash W. E Q the enemy as quickly as possible then W again once you have the Rejuvenation buff.
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For an aggressive engage E and instantly Flash then Q AA AA as quickly as possible.
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For a quick trade E Q instantly then AA
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For effective healing Q then R and use W right as you receive your Rejuvenation buff from Q landing.
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This trade can be used to engage or disengage. Q then AA and instantly E afterwards.
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