Win rate | 51.9% |
Pick rate | 10.7% |
Ban rate | 0.7% |
Matches | 74 401- |
For a reliable all in combo W and E yourself instantly, then AA Q followed by AA R AA.
When looking to be extra aggressive Flash then instantly Q W E and finish up with AA R AA.
Engage from further away by using R from fog of war. Q to chain the CC, use an AA then E yourself while the AA is mid air followed by an instant W AA.
When you hit a Q on your target use R to all in. E yourself instantly after R and AA W AA.
To apply some quick burst damage Q your target and use W on them. Use E on yourself before your W lands and AA.
Trade for some easy damage by using E on yourself, then W yourself or your target and AAing.
To trade E yourself then AA. Wait for the slow then Q W instantly and AA.