
Win rate | 49.2% |
Pick rate | 4.6% |
Ban rate | 0.3% |
Matches | 69 142- |

When you want to guarantee your engage R then as soon as the lockout period ends Flash and W as quickly as you can followed by Q E.

To use R more defensively R then Flash as soon as you can on top of the enemy. Instantly E to your ally, W back to your enemy to Q them and E back.

R then E through your targets to your ally to charm enemies in between. Then instantly W back onto them and Q E afterwards.

To engage from very far away R then mid cast use E on an ally and W forward as soon as you can. AA then Q while they are knocked up and instantly E.

When close R your target by walking to them then after they are charmed, time your W so they get knocked up as it ends. Afterward quickly Q E.

Before level 6 Flash engage with W quickly then AA Q E as fast as you can.

Burst opponents by using Q W instantly then AA. R before they hit the ground and AA once more before retreating to an ally with E.

Engage from long range with R then W after the lockout period has ended. Instantly Q followed by an AA.

Protect an ally with Q then E to your ally. Instantly W your enemy then quickly AA and E to your ally to back out.

To trade Q then AA and right after W. Follow up with an AA.

Trade normally using W then instantly AA and Q E as quickly as you can.

To quickly save an ally from further away E then instantly W forward, AA then Q E.