Skarner·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 51.9% |
Pick rate | 5.1% |
Ban rate | 16.0% |
Matches | 27 571- |
Skarner matchups
Skarner counter tips
Overall Average
Master Yi
Jarvan IV
Laning Against Skarner
Place vision in unusual warding locations outside of the river. This will help you spot Skarner before he can use his E.
Delay his level 6 power spike by invading his jungle and stealing away his camps. His Ultimate is a very strong tool, and delaying it for as long as possible is key.
He has good objective control. Make sure you keep objectives warded at all times so you can spot him before he can take it.
Strategy VS Skarner
Skarner will look to flank in team fights with his E. Ward the flanks to make it easier for you to escape him before he comes charging at you.
Avoid fighting in the jungle, around objectives or near the Baron. You need to be spaced out so he cannot land his Ultimate on multiple champions at once.
Invest in armor and magic penetration items. Skarner will be building tank items and you will be unable to kill him if you do not buy these items.
Skarner Power Spikes
Skarner can start ganking at level 3 or 4 and can also take the Void Grubs very easily.
His first major power spike is level 6 though, when he unlocks his Ultimate. His Ultimate will result in him looking for picks and trying to make plays as often as possible.
Try to end the game as early as possible. The longer the game goes, the tankier he will be. The only way to counter this is by ensuring you get pen items.