Senna·Bot Counters
Win rate | 43.8% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 1.6% |
Matches | 936- |
Senna matchups
Senna counter tips
Overall Average
Laning Against Senna
Extended trades against Senna will help you in the long run. She doesn’t have the best sustain and her auto-attack speed is very low. Capitalise on this by looking for long-winded trades when possible.
Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 play in order to get stacks. Try not to let her poke you down too much otherwise you’ll not be able to trade at level 2 or 3.
Once Senna unlocks her Ultimate R, communicate with your team and tell them that she can impact a fight with her Ultimate R.
Strategy VS Senna
The longer the game goes, the stronger Senna will be in team fights. Try to end the game as quickly as possible so she is unable to be really effective in the mid-game.
Shut Senna down as quickly as you can in a team fight. This will reduce her ability to poke you down, deal damage and win the fight. If you can’t shut her down quickly, you might need flank her and attack from the side.
Play around Senna’s Ultimate R. If she uses it, you have a long cooldown to abuse her and her team.
Senna Power Spikes
Senna will look to dominate you in the early game. Expect her to play aggressively at level 1 to gain a health advantage.
Once Senna is level 6, her map pressure and kill pressure increases. Ping once she is level 6 so your team knows that she can influence a fight with her Ultimate R.
The longer the game goes, the stronger Senna’s Passive will be. Try to end it as fast as you can as her late game is quite strong if she has been able to stack effectively.