Renata Glasc·Runes for Support
Win rate | 49.9% |
Pick rate | 1.2% |
Ban rate | 0.2% |
Matches | 8 904- |
Renata Glasc Support has a 49.9% win rate with 1.2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 8 904 matches in Patch 14.18 the best runes for Renata Glasc Support are keyStone, rune_1, rune_2, and rune_3 for primary tree, as well as secondary_rune_1 and secondary_rune_2 for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are offenseRuneShard, flexRuneShard, and defenceRuneShard.
Renata Glasc Runes
Support ∙ Patch 14.18
Renata Glasc Matchups Overview
Renata Glasc General information
Renata Glasc tips and tricks
Play around your Ultimate R. Use it to flank in team fights to surprise the enemy champions.
In fights, make sure your E hits as many champions as possible. The more allies you hit, the more shielding your team will receive.
Your Q is very versatile. You can use it to set up picks or disengage from fights too.
Renata Glasc combos
Every combo you need to master the champion!
Renata Glasc useful resources
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