Renata Glasc·Support Guide
Win rate | 50.6% |
Pick rate | 2.5% |
Ban rate | 0.3% |
Matches | 9 215- |
Very strong Ultimate R which can allow her to hit 5 enemy champions at once.
Her W can be very strong if it’s put on the right champion.
Can give multiple members of her team a shield with her E.
She is rather squishy and easy to kill.
Her Ultimate R is slow-moving and easy to dodge.
Not very strong in the early game, which leaves her open to ganks and pressure from the enemy laners.
0 - 15 min
You will definitely want to sit in the lane brush and try to Q enemies. If you are in a matchup where you want your ADC to scale, focus on using your Q defensively.
Being a part of team fights and neutral objective fights is a must. Your W has a very good chance of reviving someone but always prioritize an ally who can destroy the enemy quickly within the decay period.
Once you get your Ultimate R, look for as many clumped fights in the Jungle as you can. Sit in a Jungle brush and wait for a bunch of enemies to walk towards you.
15 - 25 min
During the mid-game, you may be able to focus on roaming and warding easily. Use your Q to self-peel in case you get caught.
Make sure that you play around vision as much as you can in the game. Enemies will definitely try to pre-ward brushes so stock up on Control Wards.
Stick around your team and don't squander about else you may lose opportunities for massive team fight wins. One thing you must focus on is warding and your safety.
25+ min
During this phase of the game, you will want to focus on team fights only. Use your Ultimate R liberally and try to W carries that are about to die.
Keep poking out enemies with your E and see if you can displace them with your Q. You should be able to deal with the enemy front line this way.
Be a part of neutral objective fights frequently and see if you can target the enemy Jungler. This will prevent the enemy Jungler from getting their Smite off on the enemy.
At level 3, she will unlock all 3 of her basic abilities. She now becomes a champion and can fight the enemy.
When she has completed her first component item, she can empower her allies further and make them a lot stronger in fights and skirmishes.
At level 6, Renata will be really strong and she can look for more kills and picks. She can also set up her Jungler with ease.
At level 9, Renata Glasc will max her first ability. It will be really good for her as she will deal damage and be able to keep her allies alive for a lot longer.
2 points in her Ultimate R at level 11 offers her extra pick potential at this stage of the game. As teams start to group up in the mid-game, she will be quite strong.
Putting an additional point in her Ultimate R is great for Renata as teams start grouping during the mid-game. The reduced cooldown on this ability enables her to go for more picks in fights.
At level 16, Renata will put the final point in her Ultimate R. The Ultimates cooldown will be slightly lower which could enable her team to win the fight by picking off a key target.
She would’ve completed multiple items at this stage of the game. Her peel potential heavily increases and so does her team fighting skill.
Teams will be grouped in the late game, and as her Ultimate is a great tool for team fights, she will be very strong in the late game.