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Qiyana·Jungle Counters

Royal PrivilegeP
Elemental Wrath / Edge of IxtalQ
Supreme Display of TalentR
Win rate50.5%
Pick rate0.6%
Ban rate0.7%
Matches7 381-
Qiyana Jungle has a 50.5% win rate and 0.6% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Based on our analysis of 7 381 matches, the best counters for Qiyana Jungle are Pantheon, Rammus, Skarner, Fiddlesticks and Zed. On the other hand, Qiyana Jungle counters Lillia, Udyr, Sylas, Sejuani and Zac.
Qiyana Top
Qiyana Jungle
Qiyana Mid
Qiyana Bot
Qiyana Support

Qiyana matchups

Jungle Jungle  Patch 14.24

Qiyana counter tips

General advice on how to play against Qiyana
These champs are strong against Qiyana at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Qiyana.
Champion counters video
Qiyana Power Spikes

Qiyana Power Spikes

The brief period of downtime between each Enchantment pick up will be your go-to time to harass her as she will not have a powerful Elemental Wrath / Edge of IxtalQ that has an empowerment.

Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones. If you meet her inside the jungle or in the river, do not fight her unless you get the jump onto her or have a clear advantage.

Qiyana will look to gank low health lanes or laners with CC. If she cannot find any ganks early, she will power farm till 6 where she gets her Supreme Display of TalentR. Then she will actively look to gank when it’s up. Try to get your lanes ahead so she is less likely to pick up free kills

Laning Against Qiyana

Laning Against Qiyana

Qiyana’s team fight presence is huge. Spread out and do not fight in choke points like inside the jungle or under a Tower to reduce her usefulness.

Split pushing could be a good way to counter Qiyana’s Supreme Display of TalentR, but ensure that the players who are facing her do not get caught out by her Supreme Display of TalentR as she will usually use it to start the team fight.

Burst damage is one of the biggest problems Qiyana faces because she doesn’t always buy defensive items. As soon as she uses her AudacityE aggressively, burst her down.

Qiyana Power Spikes

Qiyana Power Spikes

The level 6 power spike for Qiyana is pretty strong because it gives her a game changing Ultimate that can be used in plenty of ways. If you see her making towards your lane, ensure that you run through the middle of the lane to escape. Do not stand close to the walls.

During the mid game is where Qiyana truly shines. This is because she is a great team fighter thanks to her Supreme Display of TalentR. Unlike many other Assassins, Qiyana actually favours team fighting 5v5. Do not group to close to the wall during this time as she may look to engage.

Once Qiyana has her jungling item completed, she will be looking to duel and trade more frequently thanks to the extra damage and cooldown reduction it will provide. Unless you have a clear advantage, be cautious when heading into the 1v1.
