Pantheon·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 49.9% |
Pick rate | 0.4% |
Ban rate | 1.6% |
Matches | 10 314- |
Pantheon matchups
Pantheon counter tips
Overall Average
Nunu & Willump
Laning Against Pantheon
Post 6, place vision inside Pantheons jungle to spot him before he is able to gank a lane with his Ultimate R.
Pantheon is a strong early game Jungler. Avoid fighting him if you meet him alone when moving around Summoners Rift unless you have a clear advantage as he will probably come out ahead.
As Pantheon is strong in the early game and can gank frequently, having vision in the river and around his jungle entrances will make it harder for him to get ganks off.
Strategy VS Pantheon
Watch out for a potential Flash engage by Pantheon. In team fights, don’t stand too far forward in case he tries to make a play.
Ward your flanks! Pantheon may try to attack you from the side and get on to your carries when his Ultimate R is on cooldown.
Good times to fight is when Pantheon is split pushing. Forcing a fight when he is on the opposite side of the map could be a good idea as it will take him some time to get into the fight even with his Ultimate R.
Pantheon Power Spikes
Pantheon is a dominant early game champion. Expect him to go for early ganks to get a lead.
Once Pantheon hits level 6, his ability to get ganks off increases. Make sure you place deeper vision in his jungle to spot him before he uses his Ultimate R.
After Pantheon has completed his jungling item, his kill pressure intensifies. You’ll want to avoid fighting him unless you have assistance.