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Pantheon·Top Counters

Mortal WillP
Comet SpearQ
Shield VaultW
Aegis AssaultE
Grand StarfallR
Win rate50.0%
Pick rate2.6%
Ban rate5.0%
Matches31 483-
Pantheon Top has a 50.0% win rate and 2.6% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 31 483 matches, the best counters for Pantheon Top are Cassiopeia, Heimerdinger, Singed, Camille and Warwick. On the other hand, Pantheon Top counters Vayne, Wukong, K'Sante, Jayce and Tryndamere.
Pantheon Top
Pantheon Jungle
Pantheon Mid
Pantheon Bot
Pantheon Support

Pantheon matchups

Top Top  Patch 15.5

Pantheon counter tips

General advice on how to play against Pantheon
These champs are strong against Pantheon at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Pantheon.
Laning Against Pantheon

Laning Against Pantheon

Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team whenever Pantheon recalls or leaves lane as he may use his Ultimate Grand StarfallR to roam and help another lane. It’s not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate Grand StarfallR.

Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Keep this in mind and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you’re weak in the early game.

Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight him is when he has no stacks, and an ability on cooldown.

Strategy VS Pantheon

Strategy VS Pantheon

Watch out for a potential Flash engage by Pantheon. In team fights, don’t stand too far forward in case he tries to make a play.

Ward your flanks! Pantheon may try to attack you from the side and get on to your carries when his Ultimate Grand StarfallR is on cooldown.

Good times to fight is when Pantheon is split pushing. Forcing a fight when he is on the opposite side of the map could be a good idea as it will take him some time to get into the fight even with his Ultimate Grand StarfallR.

Pantheon Power Spikes

Pantheon Power Spikes

Pantheon is an early to mid game champion and is therefore very strong from levels 1 to 6 and can influence other lanes too when he gets his Grand StarfallR.

If Pantheon gets 1 or 2 kills, he can finish Youmuu's Ghostblade and his other core items faster. Pay attention to what active items he has and try to play around them.

Be careful after the laning phase, as Pantheon will try to kill you with Grand Starfall Grand StarfallR and force a 5 vs 4.


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