Morgana·Mid Counters
Win rate | 50.3% |
Pick rate | 0.2% |
Ban rate | 14.3% |
Matches | 1 653- |
Morgana matchups
Morgana counter tips
Overall Average
Laning Against Morgana
Watch your positioning in team fights as Morgana will try to catch someone out with her Q. Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you’re able to dodge it. Don’t stand too far forward nor too far back.
Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenceless which you can capitalise on. As soon as she uses her Q, charge at her and try to take her down.
Whenever Morgana casts her Ultimate R in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can so you do not get chained down and CC’d.
Strategy VS Morgana
Morgana’s E has a really long cooldown. If you can bait it out, you should look to use the cooldown to play more aggressive and try to kill her.
Make sure you’re always stood behind at least 1 minion so she is unable to land her Q and CC you.
Once she has her first item, Morgana will just be pushing the wave with her W. Make sure you push her back so she doesn’t take your Tower early.
Morgana Power Spikes
Morgana is good at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Until then, her kill pressure isn’t the best, but it does increase once this ability is unlocked.
Once Morgana has Zhonya’s Hourglass, her survivability in team fights will increase. Try and fight her when her Zhonya’s is down so she is unable to defend herself.
Whenever Morgana has her Blackshield E available, her protection increases dramatically and it will be difficult for you to kill her or the ADC when she can block CC. Try to fight when this ability is down.