Morgana·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 50.7% |
Pick rate | 0.3% |
Ban rate | 16.1% |
Matches | 2 925- |
Morgana matchups
Morgana counter tips
Overall Average
Jarvan IV
Master Yi
Laning Against Morgana
If you can dodge Morgana’s Q in a skirmish, you should all-in her as she doesn’t have much else to offer pre-6. She is easy to kill if you can dodge her Q.
Morgana is going to be ganking often early on. Keep this in mind and try to counter her ganks when possible.
Her objective control in the early game is pretty good. Keep the objectives warded, or take them before she gets the chance to do so herself.
Strategy VS Morgana
Avoid walking too far forward in team fights. If Morgana lands her Q, she could easily follow up and take you down.
Morgana’s Black Shield E has a really long cooldown. If you can bait it out, you should look to re-engage and try to kill her while it’s down.
Avoid grouping too close together in team fights as it could allow Morgana to get a really good Ultimate R off. Splitting up slightly makes it much harder for her to CC your whole team
Morgana Power Spikes
Morgana is a good early game Jungler. Expect her to go for frequent ganks. She can start ganking after level 3.
Morgana’s level 6 power spike is quite potent as she can lock you down for a long period of time with her Q and Ultimate R.
After Morg has completed her first item, her damage output will be extremely high. Dodging her Q in a skirmish with her will be incredibly important.