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Maokai·Top Counters

Sap MagicP
Bramble SmashQ
Twisted AdvanceW
Sapling TossE
Nature's GraspR
Win rate54.5%
Pick rate3.8%
Ban rate0.9%
Matches5 728-
Maokai Top has a 54.5% win rate and 3.8% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Based on our analysis of 5 728 matches, the best counters for Maokai Top are Tryndamere, Olaf, Sett, Tahm Kench and Illaoi. On the other hand, Maokai Top counters Smolder, Akali, Wukong, Rengar and Pantheon.
Maokai Top
Maokai Jungle
Maokai Mid
Maokai Bot
Maokai Support

Maokai matchups

Top Top  Patch 14.23

Maokai counter tips

General advice on how to play against Maokai
These champs are weak against Maokai at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Maokai.
Laning Against Maokai

Laning Against Maokai

Maokai is at his weakest during the early game. Look for an early advantage to force him to miss out on gold and XP.

Once Maokai is level 3, he can start trading with you once he has all of his basic abilities. Try and get him low so he is unable to look for a favourable trade.

Avoid standing towards the top side of the lane if you know he’s placed Saplings Sapling TossE in them. However, you could walk towards it before running away to “bait” out the Sapling Sapling TossE.

Strategy VS Maokai

Strategy VS Maokai

Avoid fighting in the jungle as that will allow Maokai to get a good Ultimate Nature's GraspR off. Additionally, avoid fighting around neutral objectives like the Dragon or Baron too.

When sieging, make sure no one on your team is too far forward as Maokai can isolate them and catch them out of position with his Twisted AdvanceW.

As it might be hard for Maokai to team fight, he may try to flank from the side to make it easier to get on to the enemy. He may also use his Ultimate Nature's GraspR from the side to CC your whole team. Ward the flanks so you can spot him before he initiates.

Maokai Power Spikes

Maokai Power Spikes

Once level 6, Maokai’s kill pressure in lane will increase. At this time, he might start getting ganks as his Ultimate Nature's GraspR is a great tool for initiating ganks.

At level 3, Maokai can start to play more aggressive as he will have access to all his basic abilities.

Maokai is good in team fights as his Ultimate Nature's GraspR has a large area of effect. Make sure you split up or disengage as soon as you see him so he is unable to utilise this ability.
