K'Sante·Top Counters
Win rate | 47.7% |
Pick rate | 3.4% |
Ban rate | 1.1% |
Matches | 23 012- |
K'Sante matchups
K'Sante counter tips
Overall Average
Laning Against K'Sante
Let him push you in. He cannot use his Ultimate on you post 6 if he’s always pushing.
Try not to let him poke you down with his Q. It could enable him to look for an all-in and kill you.
While he will be quite tanky, he deals a considerable amount of damage when he goes for those extended trades.
Strategy VS K'Sante
Remember that he can use his W to CC multiple enemies. Don’t group super close together so he cannot CC your whole team.
Look for fights when he doesn’t have his Ultimate as he will be weaker and easy to kill.
He likes to split push after the laning phase has ended. When he shows in a side lane alone, you could start a team fight with his teammates. Have wards on that side of the map, though, if he makes his way to join the battle.
K'Sante Power Spikes
His first major power spike is at level 4 when he gets 2 points in his Q. It will be easier for him to trade at this time.
When his Ultimate is up, he is stronger and harder to fight. The extra damage can be quite surprising and hard to handle.
K’Sante spikes when he gets his first item (as well as both component items). Respect his all in potential when he’s completed the recipe as his damage output will heavily increase.