Karthus·Runes for Mid

Win rate | 51.2% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 6.0% |
Matches | 1 859- |
Karthus Mid has a 51.2% win rate with 0.1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 1 859 matches in Patch 15.3 the best runes for Karthus Mid are keyStone, rune_1, rune_2, and rune_3 for primary tree, as well as secondary_rune_1 and secondary_rune_2 for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are offenseRuneShard, flexRuneShard, and defenceRuneShard.

Karthus Runes
Keystone options
Karthus Matchups Overview
Karthus General information
Karthus tips and tricks
Farm with Q in the early game to make it easier for your to pick up CS.
Deactivate your Defile E once the skirmish has finished as it will eat through your mana bar.
Keep an eye on the minimap at all times and use your R to pick up kills on low health
Karthus combos
Every combo you need to master the champion!
Karthus useful resources

Check out the latest and best Karthus Probuilds used by pros from around the world, featured by lolvvv.
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In-depth Build Stats
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