Karma·Mid Guide
Win rate | 49.5% |
Pick rate | 0.3% |
Ban rate | 4.3% |
Matches | 3 995- |
She has excellent waveclear and splash damage with her Q. This allows her to get lane priority and help her other laners/Jungler when they are contesting objectives.
Her E allows her to shield everyone in her team. It also allows her to increase the movement speed of the allied team, which can help them catch out an over extended enemy.
When fighting 1 v 1 she practically doesn’t have a weakness when all of her spells are up. If someone tries to come close to her, she can just Q them and run away, If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her E and Ultimate R empowered W to both disengage and get back a lot of health. Her Ultimate R is the backbone of her strength in the lane and proper usage will let her get ahead.
Unlike most champions, Karma unlocks her Ultimate R at level 1. This means that at level 6, she doesn’t have as much pressure in comparison to a lot of other champions especially if they’re level 6 power spike is very strong.
Whenever Karma’s E is down, she is vulnerable to attack and will need to play safely while it’s on cooldown.
Her Q can easily be avoided if the enemy builds up a huge wave or positions correctly. Even the splash damage won’t be enough to get past a huge minion wave.
0 - 15 min
Poke the enemy as much as possible with your Q to get them low. Use your early lane dominance to gain a health advantage over the enemy.
Focus on farming and poking during the laning phase. You shouldn’t really commit to fighting the enemy.
At level 6, Karma doesn’t gain access to an Ultimate R like most champions. If you’re playing against someone with a strong all-in, play safe whenever their Ultimate R is up.
15 - 25 min
Once your bottom lane rotates to the mid lane, go to a side lane and start to farm. Try not to fall behind in gold and XP by sharing it with your ADC and Support.
In team fights, use your empowered E to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your W or Q, you should try to use your E to help them survive.
Delay team fights for as long as possible in the mid game while you poke and harass the enemy with your Q.
25+ min
Stay with your team in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy forcing a fight or taking the Baron. Avoid straying too far away from them.
Protect your allies as much as possible in team fights. Keeping them alive for as long as possible while dealing damage will increase your chances of winning the game.
In team fights, use your empowered E to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your Q or W, you should try to use your E to help them survive.
Karma early game poke is really obnoxious, especially for laners who are melee in nature. She can use her Q to both poke and wave clear simultaneously, which allows her to get lane priority, and her Jungler can safely invade the enemy as a result.
The first component offers a lot of poke from Karma's end as it increases the damage of her Q and allows her to use it frequently as she will have more mana to use.
Level 6 isn't a huge spike, but it definitely increases the amount of poke damage she can deal with her abilities. Her empowered Q is a force to reckon with once she hits level 6.
Karma's poke is really obnoxious for the enemy team during the mid-game. She also provides a lot of utility due to her W and E. This simply means that a good Karma will make her team invincible.
At level nine, Karma will have her Q maxed out. This increases her overall poke damage and will let her chunk out enemies before significant fights.
Level eleven will be a decent power spike due to her ability empowerment potential. This will come in really handy during significant fights in the objective pits.
Karma's E will be maxed out at level 13. This means that she will be able to peel her teammates with ease and keep them out of troubles way.
Karma will have multiple items completed during this stage of the game. This will allow her to dish out a lot of damage while peeling for her carries at the same time.
Her damage output will be really high during the late game, which will allow her to poke enemies out relentlessly. She will make team fights really unfair for the enemy, especially around choke points.