Win rate | 50.2% |
Pick rate | 9.7% |
Ban rate | 3.5% |
Matches | 113 373- |
To quickly burst an enemy R Q instantly then mid animation Flash and quickly cast W. AA then E followed by more AA's.
When quickly looking to CC an enemy E then cast W once in range and instantly Flash followed by some AA's until the root lands. Once your target is rooted, R Q instantly and continue to AA.
To all in someone when in close range W and instantly E, move forward then AA. Once the root lands R Q instantly followed by an AA.
When looking to survive R W instantly followed by E Q as quickly as you can as you retreat.
To all in an enemy R Q instantly then quickly move forward to cast W and E followed by using AAs as you maintain the tether.
To trade with someone E and move forward then AA followed by Q AA.
For teamfights R E an ally quickly, then Q W the nearest target followed by AA's.