Galio·Top Guide
Win rate | 49.8% |
Pick rate | 0.4% |
Ban rate | 4.5% |
Matches | 4 639- |
Superb engage potential with his E, along with the extended CC with his W. This combo can deal respectable amounts of damage and also allow his team to follow up on the knocked up target with ease.
Has a decent amount of waveclear on his Q which he can use to shove the wave in and then roam around to see if he can use his Ultimate R to assist other teammates. He doesn’t have to roam too far for this, so he can get back to the lane quickly if the all-in chance disappears.
His Ultimate R knockup prevents the enemy team from playing in a clustered formation as that could literally get them killed within the next 2.5 seconds. His W plays a pivotal role during team fights in such situations.
If he misses his E, the enemy team can quite literally walk up to him (not in melee range) and keep poking and harassing him for a long time.
Can’t do much if the enemy laner wards the river(if he is mid lane)/lane brushes(if he is supporting). As soon as the enemy sees Galio moving out of the lane, they will start playing safely and negate Galio’s threat.
Galio’s effectiveness is greatly reduced if the enemy team positions and spaces correctly during a fight. He is decent against magic damage but AD ranged champions can tear through him, especially after he uses his E.
0 - 15 min
Galio needs time to come online. Play safe in the early game so you can scale and come online. Do not get poked down otherwise you’ll fall behind in CS and XP and be no threat later on.
Keep in mind that at level 6, you will have no kill threat in the lane against most enemy laners. Respect the enemies all-in damage past level 6.
Your Ultimate R is impactful and can be used to help your allies in their own lane. Keep an eye on what’s happening around you and be prepared to cast your Ultimate R to assist your allies.
15 - 25 min
When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map.
Keep a constant eye on the map during the mid-game so you can assist your allies with your Ultimate R when appropriate.
Try and always stay somewhat near your team so you can use your Ultimate R to help them. One way you can achieve this is by pushing a side lane with your Q and then running towards them while the wave keeps pushing.
25+ min
Stay near your team at all times in the late game. While your Ultimate R has a long range, the enemy may force a fight when you show elsewhere on the map.
Play around your Ultimate R and wait for one of your allies to engage. Once they’ve gone in, use your Ultimate R on them. Alternatively, wait for the enemy to engage and then cast your Ultimate R on a carry.
Peel for your carries in late game team fights. Keeping them alive for as long as possible will increase your chances of winning team fights.
Galio's damage will increase by a lot once he gets his first item. It will allow his Q and E to hit like a truck during all-ins.
Once Galio hits level 6, he unlocks the ability to make cross-map plays around the map. This is advantageous for his team and will let you impact the game a lot more.
Since Galio has limited range, he will have a hard time early during the game. However, he can use his Q to bypass this. When using his Q, he should try to hit the enemy champion for bonus points.
Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game as he can now impact team fights whenever that ability is up. Additionally, it works really well when his target is the one who must go near the enemies to attack them.
At level nine, his Q will be completely maxed out. This will give a massive boost to his damage and wave clear. In addition, he can now help other laners out frequently and keep his wave shoved in at all times.
Galio will have his core items at this point. This is beneficial for him, and his team as his overall damage output and survivability will be higher.
Galio should be getting his build completed by now. This will give him a massive spike in his ability to peel for the allied carries. His damage output will be pretty high as well.
Galio's Ultimate R will still be handy during fights due to its knockup and low cooldown. He can easily split push and show up to fights with his Ultimate R in a jiffy.
Level 16 isn't that big a spike for Galio. Although his Ultimate R cooldown is reduced and the cast range is increased, he won't have any incentive to use it for himself.