Ezreal·Jungle Counters
![Rising Spell Force](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/Ezreal_RisingSpellForce.png?v2)
![Mystic Shot](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/EzrealQ.png?v2)
![Essence Flux](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/EzrealW.png?v2)
![Arcane Shift](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/EzrealE.png?v2)
![Trueshot Barrage](https://cdn.mobalytics.gg/assets/lol/images/dd/champions/abilities/EzrealR.png?v2)
Win rate | 34.7% |
Pick rate | 0.0% |
Ban rate | 5.6% |
Matches | 375- |
Ezreal Jungle has a 34.7% win rate and 0.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Based on our analysis of 375 matches, the best counters for Ezreal Jungle are Fiddlesticks and Jarvan IV. On the other hand, Ezreal Jungle counters Hecarim, Shyvana, Gwen, Udyr and Skarner.
Ezreal matchups
Ezreal counter tips
General advice on how to play against Ezreal
These champs are strong against Ezreal at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Ezreal.