Darius·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 50.7% |
Pick rate | 4.9% |
Ban rate | 41.8% |
Matches | 43 542- |

Darius matchups
Darius counter tips
Overall Average




Xin Zhao







Jarvan IV




Laning Against Darius
If Darius invades you, just run away. He is one of the best duelers in the game, so don’t overstay your welcome.
When fighting Darius, try to reposition so his Q doesn’t hit you. Moving outside of the ring or towards him will reduce his damage output.
Try and secure objectives and gank your allies as frequently as possible. Darius will be trying to do the same,
Strategy VS Darius
Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let him get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range to pull E them in.
For AD champions, investing in an Executioner’s Calling will help reduce his healing and survivability in team fights.
Do not overstay in a team fight when you’re low as you might set up Darius for a Pentakill with his Ultimate R.
Darius Power Spikes
Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion. Do not let him do this by staying out of melee range and avoiding extended trades.
Darius is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate R is an execute. Do not fight him post 6 unless his Ultimate
R is down.
Darius can start to gank as soon as he hits level 2. Keep an eye out as he may try to pull off a cheesy early gank.