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Darius·Mid Counters

Crippling StrikeW
Noxian GuillotineR
Win rate54.1%
Pick rate0.1%
Ban rate44.4%
Darius Mid has a 54.1% win rate and 0.1% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked S tier. Based on our analysis of 962 matches, the best counters for Darius Mid are Ryze, Hwei, Azir, Xerath and Syndra. On the other hand, Darius Mid counters Renekton, Swain, Lee Sin, Lissandra and Aatrox.
Darius Top
Darius Jungle
Darius Mid
Darius Bot
Darius Support

Darius matchups

Mid Mid  Patch 15.6

Darius counter tips

General advice on how to play against Darius
These champs are strong against Darius at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Darius.
Champion counters video
Laning Against Darius

Laning Against Darius

Darius is one of the best duelers in the game, so don’t overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead.

Darius will look to reposition when using his DecimateQ. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesn’t deal much damage.

Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.

Strategy VS Darius

Strategy VS Darius

Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let him get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range to pull ApprehendE them in.

For AD champions, investing in an Executioner’s Calling will help reduce his healing and survivability in lane and in team fights.

Do not overstay in a team fight when you’re low as you might set up Darius for a Pentakill with his Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR.

Darius Power Spikes

Darius Power Spikes

Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion. Do not let him do this by staying out of melee range and avoiding extended trades.

Darius is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate Noxian GuillotineR is an execute. Recall if you’re low at level 5 in case he gets the level up and tries to kill you.

Darius has a very strong level 2 all-in. Take extra care when trading with him at level 1, and definitely do not fight him at level 2 as he will beat you.


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