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Deadlock Build

Deadlock Support Bebop Build

Updated on Feb 2, 2025
Feb 2, 2025


This easy to pick up build is a more support oriented version of the build based on using Bebop's Ultimate to deal high sustained Spirit damage while not losing sustain and ganking capabilities.

This build was created by Suzu. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Support Bebop by Suzu" (BuildID: 15576)

Early Game

  • The laning phase can be played in different ways depending on your lane partner and opponents, so you can definitely start with Hook and prioritize more offensive items if needed. Melee Lifesteal can be also swapped for Extra Regen.

  • Bebop has incredible last hitting and lane presence early on, so we focus on spirit and vitality items.

  • Sprint Boots and Mystic Reach can be bought earlier than what is presented if you feel like the game is moving too fast and you will be roaming and trying to land hooks more than staying in line.

Mystic Burst500 souls
Healing Rite500 souls
Melee Lifesteal500 souls
Spirit Strike500 souls
Rapid Rounds500 souls
Sprint Boots500 souls
Mystic Reach500 souls

Mid Game

  • Health Nova can be used only on yourself if needed and it's very powerful for any skirmish. It's active so try to remember to use it when you can.

  • Enduring Speed is very valuable for roaming around the map, one of Bebop’s greatest strengths early on. You should never be in the same place for too long

  • Remember to be careful with your item slots, items like Melee Lifesteal, Enduring Spirit and Spirit Strike, can be sold without issues. Just remember that you shouldn’t delay Majestic Leap and Healing Booster too much for example so save your flex slot for it if needed.

Health Nova1,250 souls
Enduring Speed1,750 souls
Improved Cooldown1,250 souls
Healing Booster1,250 souls
Fleetfoot1,250 souls
Spirit Armor1,250 souls
Divine Barrier1,250 souls

Late Game

  • Bebop is always a threat at this stage of the game, no matter your build, imbue your Hook with Superior Cooldown and try to land those as much as you can, as that can heavily swing any objective fight.

  • Remember that Spirit Snatch only procs after you Melee the target, but your Mystic Slow and Hunter's Aura should be effective just by being nearby and bombing/hooking the target.

Superior Cooldown4,250 souls
Hunter's Aura3,000 souls
Mystic Slow4,250 souls
Improved Spirit Armor4,250 souls
Spirit Snatch3,500 souls

Situational and Luxury Items

  • Curse and Slowing Hex are for extra disables against enemy heroes who are giving issues to your team. 

  • Warp Stone is a good item overall but a little bit harder to use, you can use it to have a better angle for your ultimate and it gives you extra bullet resistance while doing so. 

  • Fortitude and Leech are also amazing purchases if you need extra tankiness or anti-heal.

Slowing Hex1,750 souls
Knockdown3,000 souls
Warp Stone3,000 souls
Fortitude3,500 souls
Boundless Spirit9,500 souls
Leech7,250 souls
Curse6,000 souls
Improved Burst3,500 souls

Ability Point Order

exploding uppercutsticky bombhookhyper beam

first skill point

first skill point

first skill point

first skill point

plus one skill point

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus one skill point

plus 5 skill points

plus one skill point

plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points
plus 2 skill point

plus 5 skill points

Bebop Guide

Check out our Bebop Guide and Overview