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DeadlockDeadlock Bebop Guide and Overview

In this Deadlock Bebop guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of his abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.

Deadlock Bebop Overview

Bebop is Deadlock's signature hook character who provides a ton of playmaking potential with creative combo capabilities.

He has a lot of other tools outside of his Hook, like an AoE bomb and laser beams, so there are actually a number of ways to play him.

Deadlock Bebop Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Among best in class for making picks.

  • Oppressive laning phase, one of the best denyers due to left-click ease and hook pressure.

  • Great toolset for roaming and ganking other lanes.


  • Loses a lot of threat if hook is on cooldown.

  • Struggles against enemies with high mobility and stamina.

  • Fighting in areas that are too open or have a lot of cover.

Deadlock Bebop Abilities

Underlined = Scales with Spirit

Exploding Uppercut (1)

Deal Light Melee damage to nearby units and send them flying back, causing area damage where they land. Does not damage allies.

0 Uppercut Damage

14m Landing Radius

21s Cooldown

80 Area Damage

+15% Fire Rate Slow in landing Radius for 5s

Exploding Uppercut Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-11s Cooldown

On Uppercut enemy Hero, gain fast spin-up time, 2x range, and +50% weapon damage for 12s

On Uppercut enemy Hero, set Hook cooldown to 0 and instantly +100% bullets to your current clip

Maxing Exploding Uppercut unlocks your combo potential with more uppercuts, additional buffs to make you more deadly, and instant Hook resets.

For example, you can do Hook → Bomb → Uppercut → Hook --> Charged Punch to really devastate a single target

Tips for Exploding Uppercut

  • This is Bebop’s most versatile ability, it can be used to knock enemies toward your team for an easy pick, it can be used defensively to protect your allies, to knock bombed-attached Troopers to your enemies, and so on.

Sticky Bomb (2)

Attach a Sticky Bomb to a nearby target that deals explosive damage after a short fuse time. Gain +1.5% bomb damage for every enemy hurt. Gain +4% bomb damage for every enemy hero killed within 12s of taking bomb damage. You can cast Sticky Bomb on yourself by holding [M3].

6m Range

12m Radius

18s Cooldown

110 Damage

3s Fuse Time

Sticky Bomb Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-8s CD

+75 Damage

On Attach, -30% Damage Penalty for 5s

Maxing Sticky Bomb lets you bomb more often, increases its base damage, and unlocks disarm debuffs.

Tips for Sticky Bomb

  • Adapt your bomb gameplan according to the context of your game. If you have an ally that gets up close and personal easily like Abrams and Yamato, consider attaching the bomb to them for easy delivery.

  • Do whatever you need to do to keep those Stacks stackin'!

Hook (3)

Launch out a hook that grabs and reels in the first enemy or friendly hero it hits, dealing damage if the target is an enemy. Target will be placed where you are facing.

30m Range

10 Damage

23s Cooldown

Hook Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

Bebop deals 25% more bullet damage against hooked enemies for 10s

+30m Cast Range

-12s Cooldown

Maxing Hook emphasizes Bebop 's playmaking ability with increased damage to hooked enemies, almost double the cast range, and a base 10 second cooldown to really let you spam them.

Tips for Power Surge

  • Just like Roadhog in Overwatch, make sure to swing in the direction you want your opponent to be after you hook them.

  • You can also use it to pull in an ally for an engage or to save them from a bad situation, just keep in mind it will cancel channels like Seven's ultimate Storm Cloud.

Hyper Beam (4)

Charge up your laser to unleash a powerful torrent of energy that deals damage and slows enemies' movement and dashes. You have slow movement and turn rate for the duration. If activated in the air, you will hover while unleashing the beam.

11s Duration

2.9m Beam Width

130s Cooldown

205 DPS

70m Beam Length

On Hit: 25% Movement Slow

Hyper Beam Upgrades

1 AP

2 AP

5 AP

-30s Cooldown

+100 DPS

Hyper Beam heals Bebop for 80% of its damage on Heroes. 25% on non-hero

Maxing Hyper Beam gives you a more long-range build (since using Hyper Beam at close range is difficult). You’ll be able to get a huge -40s cooldown reduction, additional DPS, and even some healing.

Tips for Hyper Beam

  • Use items like Majestic Leap to help you get better vantage points and firing angles.

Bebop Build Guide

Check out the best starter build for Bebop

Hero Overview

Weapon Stats



Bullet Damage




Bullets per Second


Light Melee


Heavy Melee


Vitality Stats

Max Health


Health Regen


Bullet Resist


Spirit Resist


Move Speed

6.2 m/s

Sprint Speed

3 m/s



How to Counter Bebop

  • Always track Bebop on the map, if he is MIA, have your Stamina and movement options ready to avoid a Hook.

  • During laning phase, do your best to avoid giving him Sticky Bomb stacks. If he's behind, he won't be able to scale well. If his bombs are scaling, plan to build Debuff Remover later.

  • His ult lasts a long time, so use the map for cover or itemize into items that can cancel it like Knockdown.

Warp Stone3,000 souls
Debuff Remover4,250 souls
Knockdown3,000 souls
Ethereal Shift3,000 souls
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