Teamfight TacticsGuides

TFT Set 10 Guide: How to Play Jazz

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How to Play Jazz

Welcome to another in the series of our How to Play TFT trait guides.

Jazz is a new trait coming to Set 10, and it’s looking like it will become a very popular trait. The bonus is essentially if you took the Stand United Augment and put it into a trait.

Let’s get right into the guide.

Note: The information provided is based on early information and can change rapidly in PBE. While the exact numbers may change, the overall mechanic of the trait should remain the same.

If you haven’t checked out all of the Set 10 information yet, check out out Set 10 Reveal Page!

How Jazz Works

The Jazz trait incentivizes you to activate as many traits as possible. As you activate more traits, the entire team will gain bonus Health and Damage. Bonus Damage is a very valuable stat for damage as it’s much easier to scale things like Attack and Crit through items.

Note that unique traits like Illbeats or Mixmaster (5-cost exclusive traits) do not count toward this bonus.

Jazz Trait Bonus

TFT Set 10 Jazz

Your team gains bonus Health and deals bonus damage for each active non-unique trait.

  • (2) 1% , 0% Damage
  • (3) 2% , 1% Damage
  • (4) 5% , 2% Damage

Jazz Synergy

There’s only 3 Jazz units, and here’s the other traits you can activate with them:

  • Dazzler
  • Big Shot
  • Rapidfire

You can opt to run 3 Jazz and try to activate all of their traits, or you can simply run 2 Jazz with Miss Fortune and Lucian and use the rest of the team to activate traits. Lucian and Miss Fortune also heavily incentivize an AD backline, so keep that in mind when building your comps.

Jazz Champions

Let’s briefly go over each Champion in the Jazz trait and what you can do with them. As patches come out, the ability descriptions and stats may become outdated. Be sure to check the individual champion pages for an updated look at their kit.

Bard – Jazz + Dazzler

TFT Set 10 Bard

[Link to Champion Page]

Bard is the first Jazz unit, and he is a Dazzler, making him a potential AP transition unit. However, the other Jazz units do incentivize AD comps, so it’s a bit awkward. Even still, Bard can be a decent item holder until you find a stronger AP carry and move items.

Even still, Bard has many use cases. You can use him for an early Jazz 2 with Miss Fortune. With a Jazz Headliner, you will want Bard to activate the (4) trait bonus for max bonus. Lastly, with a Jazz Headliner Bard, you can look to build around Bard as your carry.

Miss Fortune – Jazz + Big Shot

TFT Set 10 Miss Fortune

[Link to Champion Page]

Miss Fortune is the other mid game Jazz unit, and her Big Shot trait pairs well with other strong carries like Jhin and Ezreal.

With a Headliner Miss Fortune, you can easily play around the Jazz trait with MF as your main carry. You can use her to power spike through the mid game to reach late game and add in strong 4 and 5-cost units.

Lucian – Jazz + Rapidfire

TFT Set 10 Lucian

[Link to Champion Page]

Lucian is the unit that will spike the Jazz team comp very hard. It will be difficult to find him consistently as he’s a 5-cost unit, but once you find him, the comp surely will come together. You can pair just about any Rapidfire unit alongside him, and split items between him and another carry like Miss Fortune or Bard.

If you’re dead set on playing Jazz, you likely will want to prioritize finding Jazz Headliner Bard or Miss Fortune. Praying for a Headliner Lucian at level 8 is very risky.

However, with an econ Augment like Level Up, you can definitely go Fast 9 in order to play around a strong 5-cost board with Lucian as one of your priority Headliner targets.

Jazz Best Augments

For this section, I’ll be covering some Augments that particularly synergize with the trait. Lots of Augments are universal, like economy based Augments or item Augments, but I’ll try to cover particular synergies to look out for.

I won’t be able to cover every single Augment, just some notable ones. You can check out the full list of Augments here.

Jazz Augment – That’s Jazz Baby!

Gain a Bard. Combat start: Jazz champions gain permanent bonuses based on the number of active traits.

The specific Jazz Augment further empowers the Jazz units, giving them extra bonuses with the number of active traits. This works in tandem with the trait bonus, and can be very strong as the game goes on.

My only issue with this Augment is that it hinges on how well Miss Fortune can carry you through the mid game. If the comp can survive with Miss Fortune as a carry, the trait and Augment will be very strong. If you have to rely on hitting Lucian at level 8, it can be risky to take an early Jazz Augment.

Tons of Stats

Your team gains 44 Health, 4% Attack Damage, 4 Ability Power, 4 Armor, 4 Magic Resist, 4% Attack Speed, and 4 Mana.

Tons of Stats is a combat Augment that is generically good on just about every comp in the game. However, I would argue that it’s stronger in Jazz comps.

The goal of a Jazz comp is to put together as many traits as possible. Because of this, you have more freedom to play a board of high-cost units with less synergy between them. In vertical comps, you’ll often find a couple units that are simply there to provide traits.

However, in a Jazz comp, you can prioritize just putting in strong units for your whole board. This means that the extra stats you get from “Tons of Stats” won’t be as wasted on trait units.

Final Reserves

The first time you would be eliminated or reduced to 1 Health, instead remain alive. After this effect triggers, Gain 60 XP and 66 Gold.

Lastly, I want to briefly cover strong economy Augments like Final Reserves. With this Augment, you can play for a Fast 9 game. You will spend a majority of the game building economy and using cheap units to save HP.

Once you reach 1 HP, you go for a massive transition and pivot to play a board full of 5-cost units and other supporting trait units. This playstyle is very 1st or 8th, so play with caution.

Jazz Team Comps

Team comps are very fickle, but we’ll try to keep this section updated with the best team comps you can play around.

If you want an updated look at team comps, be sure to check out our Tier List.

Jazz Team Comp

TFT Set 10 Jazz Team Comp Patch 13.23

[Link to Team Builder]

Here’s an example of what a Jazz team comp can look like. You want to find Jazz Headliner with either Miss Fortune or Bard and can itemize accordingly. With these units carrying through the mid game, you look to find Lucian at level 8 to complete the comp.

Most of the comp relies on cheap units, so you can definitely roll early at level 6 to power spike your board. This can make your board comfy until 5-1 when you level up to 8 for Lucian.

Jazz “Bill Gates” Team Comp

TFT Set 10 Jazz Team Comp Bill Gates Patch 13.23

[Link to Team Builder]

This next comp also uses the Jazz trait, but it doesn’t look to necessarily transition with Jazz units.

This comp is a “Bill Gates” comp, meaning it’s a Fast 9 comp with a lot of 5-cost units. These comps are extremely expensive to play, and will require a strong economy Augment like Level Up or Final Reserves.

You will want to use just about any units in the early to mid game to build economy and save HP. With your Augment, you can rush level 9 early in Stage 5, and roll down for 5-cost units.

Once you are able to upgrade your board decently, you can easily win out the lobby for a 1st place finish. However, if you’re too slow to pivot or lose too much HP, this comp can make you go 8th very quickly.


All in all, Jazz is an exciting trait to play around. You may play games where you just can’t find Lucian and die, but that’s the way it goes. Jazz being a trait that incentivizes multiple traits allows for a lot of skill expression.

There’s a lot of choices to make about balancing unit power vs trait power.

We hope you enjoyed this guide, and hopefully it helps you climb some ranks. Good luck and have fun!

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check out our meta team comps page, or head to our Team Builder to try and come up with your own comps.