Marvel SnapGuides

Marvel Snap: Elsa Bloodstone Decks and Synergies

How to Play Elsa Bloodstone in Marvel Snap

Welcome to another installment in our series where we cover new card releases and how to use them.

Elsa Bloodstone is the latest Season Pass card for October, and it looks like she will be a solid pickup. Loki sets the bar high for Season Pass cards, and while I don’t think Elsa will be as impactful, she’s looking to be very strong.

Elsa competes with Angela as an early 2-cost card that ramps up over the game. While some decks may cut Angela for Elsa, other decks may look to run both to similar effect.

Let’s get right into the guide.

Elsa Bloodstone Effect

Marvel Snap Elsa Bloodstone

If you play another card to fill a location, give it +3 Power.

Elsa Bloodstone Synergy

Elsa Bloodstone is looking to be quite impactful. Angela has found a place in many decks as a card that can easily reach 2/8. Elsa looks like she will be able to reach 2/8 quite easily and consistently, with potential to go even higher.

Firstly, I want to note that you must actually “play” a card to activate her effect. If you play Squirrel Girl and fill up all three locations, Elsa will only trigger once.

Secondly, if the opponent moves your card, say with Aero or Spider-Man, before the card flips, it will still count as being played at the initial location. (The same goes for Angela)

The main advantage to Elsa over Angela is that you can draw her late and still get value from her ability. Conversely, an early Angela can lead to Power faster if you want to battle for priority. Elsa will be better for decks that don’t want priority.

Kitty Pryde

Marvel Snap Kitty Pryde

Kitty Pryde is the first and most obvious card to pair with Elsa. You can keep playing Kitty onto the location with Elsa, allowing Kitty to ramp up to very high numbers. Kitty will also protect you from getting hit with Green Goblin on a location you’re filling up.

Second Dinner preemptively nerfed Kitty Pryde to a 1/0 last week to account for this new pair. Kitty already worked very well with Angela, and now there’s another 2-cost card that does almost the same thing.

Bounce / Aggro

Marvel Snap Beast

The first synergy that everyone will lean toward is Bounce. These decks use lots of low cost cards to fill the board, making good use of Elsa’s ability. Beast and Falcon allow you to fill up locations without committing fully.

With these Bounce effects, you can power up your cards through Elsa, and use them later at different locations to spread your Power. Bounce somewhat died off as an archetype recently, but Elsa might breathe some life back into it.

Move Cards

Marvel Snap Jeff the Baby Land Shark

Cards: Jeff, Nightcrawler, Spider-Man, Silk, Vision, etc.

The next group of cards that will work well with Elsa are Move cards. Like Bounce, these cards allow you to fill up a location without necessarily committing to said location.

You can easily fill a location with some cards, and end up with a 2/6 Jeff or a 5/11 Vision that you can move around freely. This will give you a ton of flexibility in how you allocate your Power to locations.

Jean Gray can also be a nice way to fill up one location while also disrupting your opponent’s plays.

Elsa Bloodstone Decks

For this section, I’ll be mainly going over some decks that synergize with Elsa.

Keep in mind that these decks are all first impressions, so things can definitely change rapidly. As new discoveries are made, I will be updating our Full Tier List, rather than update this article.

Be sure to check it out to see what the best decks are.

Elsa Bloodstone Bounce Deck

Marvel Snap Bounce Elsa Bloodstone Deck


This first deck is likely what most players will default to early in the season. The Bounce shell needed some additional love after the nerfs, and the release of Elsa and Mobius provide just that.

The main game plan is to simply play out your early drops like Elsa, Angela, Bishop, and let them grow to insane numbers. Beast and Falcon allow you to fill up locations without worrying, and Bast positively affects just about every card in this deck except for Beast and the Demon from The Hood.

Elsa Bloodstone Move Deck

Elsa Bloodstone Move Deck


This next deck takes the current move shell and adds Elsa Bloodstone to it. Most Move decks have moved away from Jean Grey, but with Elsa, the card may see a comeback.

The idea for this deck is simple. Lockdown your opponent to one lane, while you use your Move cards to spread your Power and gain priority.

Once that step is done, you can use either Doctor Doom or Alioth as your turn 6 finisher to close out the game.

Elsa Bloodstone Patriot Deck

Marvel Snap Elsa Bloodstone Patriot Deck


Lastly, this deck takes the Brood Absorbing Man shell and adds Elsa Bloodstone to it. This can offer a strong turn 2 alternative to Forge while also providing a solid amount of Power.

The deck doesn’t look to use too many tech cards or cute plays, but just looks to overpower the opponent on your perfect curve. Alioth is a strong finisher as usual, and is your only real “tech” card in the list.

Note: Make sure you don’t fill a lane with cards like Brood or Mister Sinister as those won’t count toward Elsa’s effect. You need to actually play the final card on your location to trigger her effect.

Elsa Bloodstone Counters

Elsa Bloodstone is looking to be quite powerful, but there are a decent amount of cards that can ruin your plans.

Shadow King

Marvel Snap Shadow King

On Reveal: Set all cards here to their original base Power.

As usual, Shadow King can be a counter to Elsa decks. Shadow King will revert any buffed cards back to their original Power. To combat this, you can opt to run Luke Cage to prevent this from happening.

Alternatively, you can play a deck like Bounce that looks to lose priority on the final turn. This will keep your cards safe from being hit by tech cards like Shadow King, Killmonger, Shang-Chi, etc.


Marvel Snap Wave

On Reveal: All cards cost 4 until the end of next turn.

If you’re playing a Bounce or Patriot list, Wave can be quite annoying. This will stop your from flooding the board and getting value off Elsa. However, if you run Mobius in your deck, that will easily stop Wave from disrupting you.

Junk Cards

Marvel Snap Debrii

On Reveal: Add a Rock to each other location, for both players.

Cards: Debrii, Green Goblin, Viper, Hobgoblin, Black Widow

You may think that Junk cards help Elsa Bloodstone, and they kinda do. By adding rocks or other cards to their location, you help them fill up their board faster. However, by filling up the enemy board, you limit the amount of good cards they can play.

This will make it so they have a hard time actually playing out their hand. This is mainly useful against Brood or Bounce decks, as Move Elsa doesn’t care too much about junk.


Overall, Elsa looks to be quite a strong addition the game. She’s breathing some life back into the Bounce archetype, and she’s potentially an upgrade or a side grade to the midrange decks like Brood and Move.

While I don’t expect Elsa to warp the meta like  Loki did, she will likely appear in a lot of your games as players try her out for the first time.

Hope this guide helped you out a bit, good luck in your games, and snap away!

Be sure to check out our Tier Lists for out current rankings on Marvel Snap decks and cards.

Good luck in your games, and thanks for reading!