League of LegendsLoL

5 Champions With the Most Health at Level 18 in LoL

5 Champions With the Most Health at Level 18 in LoL

In a game with over 160 unique champions, you’ll find some champions that are insanely strong throughout all stages of the game. These champions can be really difficult to kill due to the items they buy in conjunction with their high base stats.

In this Mobalytics article, we will list 5 of the tankiest or champions with the most health in League of Legends at level 18. You can find more interesting stats by heading over to the the LoL Wiki, which is where we found the list of champions.

We used the health at level 18 to determine who the tankiest and highest health champions are, excluding items that might increase their health or defensive stats. If you want to learn more about any of the champions on the list, head over to their Mobalytics Champion Page. for extra tips and tricks on playing them.

Top 5 Healthiest Champions in League of Legends

  1. Kled
  2. Galio
  3. Sylas
  4. Ryze
  5. Alistar

1. Kled- 3258 (at level 18)

The number one champion with the most base health at level 18 is Kled. Now Kled is kind of a cheat champion because he has 2 health bars. However, he is technically number 1. If you have ever played Kled, you know how tanky he can be when he is mounted.

Kled can be hard to take down in fights as he can remount and get a ton of health back which makes it hard for teams to kill him. Kled is also extremely mobile and can escape sticky situations with his Ultimate. Let’s not forget that he can dodge abilities and CC when he dismounts from Skaaaaarl.

Tips and Tricks to help you play Kled

  • Abuse Kled’s duelling potential early by trading with the enemy as frequently as you can. Play overly aggressively if you know the enemy cannot match your damage.
  • Don’t be afraid to roam with your Ultimate to help other lanes out. If you’re ahead, you could recall and use your Ultimate to help bot lane.
  • Extended trades will always work in your favour, so go for extended trades over short ones whenever you can. Preferably, trade around your W.

2. Galio- 2774 (at level 18)

Coming in second, we have Galio, who is another naturally tanky champion in LoL. Galio is played in multiple roles, but you’ll usually find him being played in the mid-lane as of late, thanks to his Ultimate enabling him to help pretty much everyone.

Galio also has a magical shield that can protect him from even more damage. His Ultimate is also a pretty good utility spell that can save his allies from danger. Overall, regardless of whether Galio goes AP or full tank, he will be really tanky!

Tips and Tricks to help you play Galio

  • Always play respectfully once you hit level 6. Your Ultimate is pure utility, and it cannot be used in a skirmish as effectively as most enemy champions.
  • You can set up your Jungler to gank your lane easily if you have the wave pushed towards you.
  • Before roaming with your Ultimate, use your Q and E to push the wave quickly. Follow that up with an empowered AOE auto-attack to one-shot the wave.

3. Sylas- 2768 (at level 18)

Sylas is the third champion on our list, coming in at just below 2770 health as of patch 13.13. While he does have a lot of health, he feels extremely squishy and is pretty much a glass cannon, and unless he has Zhonya’s Hourglass, he will be easy to take down.

The good thing about Sylas is that he does have built-in sustain, which keeps him alive in skirmishes for longer. He also has lots of mobility and a dash that can help him get over walls. Sylas is rarely built as a tank, and should always be built full AP.

Tips and Tricks to help you play Sylas

  • Think twice before stealing somebodies Ultimate. As Sylas’ Ultimate can be game-changing, make sure you take the most impactful enemy Ultimate for late game team fights.
  • When ganking, use your E as close as you can to the enemy so it’s harder for them to dodge the CC and escape the gank.
  • Weave in auto attacks whenever you use your abilities to help clear the jungle more effectively. Specifically, make sure your auto-attack before reactivating your E.

4. Ryze- 2753 (at level 18)

Ryze is the next champion on our list. He is a very tanky and healthy boy coming in at a health 2750 health. Ryze will also build items that increase his health which will make him even stronger as the game progresses.

I always felt that Ryze was quite squishy, but I guess he isn’t really that squishy after all. Another thing Ryze has going for him is his mobility he gets from Phrase Rush, which helps him escape bad situations or chase down squishy enemies.

Tips and Tricks to help you play Ryze

  • Ryze is very weak in the early game and needs time to scale. Avoid spamming your abilities until you’ve got your Tear otherwise you’ll be forced to recall early and may miss out on getting this item.
  • Remember that your level 6 is far weaker then most champions as your Ultimate is a utility tool and deals no damage. Play respectfully if the enemy is stronger than you at this time.
  • Your goal throughout the early and mid-game is to scale. Avoid falling behind by playing safe and respectfully until you have an item or two. Once you get into the late game, you’re going to be much stronger and have an easier time playing.

5. Alistar- 2725 (at level 18)

The final champion on our list is Alistar. Alistar actually surprised me, but he somehow made it onto our list. I always felt that Alistar wasn’t actually very tanky, and was actually quite squishy without his Ultimate, but I suppose I was wrong!

As I said, Alistar’s Ultimate makes him even tankier, which makes him harder to kill. Post 6, he can look for more aggressive plays and even tower dives with his Jungler or ADC on squishy enemy targets. Alistar will build items that increase his health, armour and magic resistance as he is a tank Support.

Tips and Tricks to help you play Alistar

  • During the laning phase, stand close to your ADC at all times. With good positioning, you can threaten an engage onto the enemy even if you don’t intend to engage. Stand next to or slightly in front of them at all times.
  • Look to set up death bushes before a major objective like the Dragon or Baron spawns. Sit inside a bush and ambush the enemy when they walk past with your W>Q combo. Once an enemy is dead, take the objective.
  • Once you’ve engaged in a team fight, retreat and protect your ADC. Do not leave them hanging alone against the enemy frontline. Your goal is to engage and then fall back to help them.


That about raps up another Mobalytics Article. We hope that you found it interesting: did any of the champions on our list surprise you? I am personally surprised by Ryze and Alistar. Let us know what articles you want to see next!