League of LegendsSwarm

LoL Swarm Weapon Scaling Guide

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League of Legends Swarm Weapon Scaling Guide

Swarm Weapons Infographic

Weapons are crucial in Swarm, and getting weapons that deal consistent damage and synergize well with one another is pretty important. Every weapon is viable for different champions; however, some more niche weapons are in the game. Every weapon provides a range of bonuses, such as extra damage, but every weapon also scales with different things. For instance, a spell that can evolve by getting health regen can also scale with damage.

In this Mobalytics Blog post, our primary focus will be to outline each weapon and show what the weapon scales with. As we suggested, each weapon scales with multiple things, and while you need a particular stat to evolve it, getting other stat attributes that synergize with it is just as important.

We have also written a separate article outlining how to evolve each weapon. Please read that if you want to learn more about how to evolve a weapon in Swarm.

A lot of this information can be daunting and overwhelming, but a little trick you can do is just press Shift in the game. Then, look to the left of the screen to see the weapon list. You can then look for the associated weapon and stat, and then pick accordingly. There will also be little icons under each Augment section so you can see what it works with. Finally, if you put your cursor over your hotbar, you can also see a breakdown of each weapon and ability.

Swarm Item Upgrades


Anti-Shark Sea Mine

Fires explosives that bounce between the enemies.

  • Evolve: Damage
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size.

Anti-Shark Sea Mine

Final City Transit

A train drives through enemies.

  • Evolve: Damage
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Armor.

Final City Transit

Movement Speed


Fires projectiles that return to you.

  • Evolve: Movement Speed
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.


Paw Print Poisoner

Leaves a damaging trail, like Singed’s Q.

  • Evolve: Movement Speed
  • Scaling: Damage, Area Size, Duration, Movement Speed.

Paw Print Poisoner

Ability Haste

Lioness’s Lament

Fires a crescent shaped projectiles to the left and the right.

  • Evolve: Ability Haste
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Lioness's Lament

UwU Blaster

Rapidly fires projectiles at the nearest enemies.

  • Evolve: Ability Haste
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

UwU Blaster

Projectile Count

Echoing Batblade

Fires piercing projectiles that bounce of walls

  • Evolve: Projectile Count
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Echoing Batblades


Gatling Bunny-Guns

It deals damage in a cone.

  • Evolve: Duration
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Duration.

Gatling Bunny-Guns


Summon Tibbers. Tibbers focuses the enemies with the most health.

  • Evolve: Duration
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Duration, Movement Speed.


Area Size


Drops timed explosive projectiles in a ring that deals damage over a large area.

  • Evolve: Area Size
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability haste, Area Size, Projectile Count.


Searing Shortbow

Fires projectiles that create lingering fire areas.

  • Evolve: Area Size
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Projectile Count, Duration.

Searing Shortbow

Critical Chance

Battle Bunny Crossbow

Fires a cone of projectiles with bonus crit chance in random directions. Projectiles crit and pierce through enemies.

  • Evolve: Critical Chance
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Battle Bunny Crossbow

Bunny Mega-Blast

Fires orbital strikes at random enemies.

  • Evolve: Critical Chance
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance.

Bunny Mega Blast


Iceblast Armor

Blocks damage and freezes enemies. It scales with armor and max health.

  • Evolve: Armor
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Duration, Armor.

Iceblast Armor

Max Health

Radiant Field

Damage nearby enemies.

  • Evolve: Max Health
  • Scaling: Damage, Area Size, Max Health.

Radiant Field

Statikk Sword

Fires lightning that bounces between enemies.

  • Evolve: Max Health
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance, Duration.

Statikk Sword

Health Regeneration

Cyclonic Slicers

Orbiting projectiles that deal damage and knock back enemies.

  • Evolve: Health regeneration
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Projectile Count, Duration.

Cyclonic Slicers

Vortex Glove

Fires a rotating stream of projectiles.

  • Evolve: Health regeneration
  • Scaling: Damage, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Vortex Glove

Pickup Radius


Summon Yuumi. She damages enemies, picks up XP, and knocks up enemies.

  • Evolve: Pickup Radius
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Duration, Pickup Radius.



The Annihilator

A massive explosion that kills all normal enemies and damages elite ones.

  • Evolve: EXP
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size.

The Annihilator

Champion Upgrades

If you want to upgrade a champion’s attacks, then you will need to get one of the following stat attributes. In my opinion, not every champion needs their auto attacks upgraded. Some champions don’t really feel like they benefit all that it’s needed. However, I do feel like champions such as Aurora definitely need an upgrade.

Bunny Hop – Riven

Riven passively gains movement speed and a charge as she moves. At maximum charge, she jumps forward. Every second cast knocks up enemies.

  • Evolve: Movement Speed
  • Scaling: Damage, Area Size, Critical Chance, Movement Speed.

Bunny Hop

Guiding Hex – Aurora

Aurora shoots a hex through the air, guiding it as it flies. Enemies take damage and are hexed. She purges hexed targets every 3rd cast of her spell, which deals extra damage.

  • Evolve: Experience
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectiles, Experience

Guiding Hex

Meow Meow – Jinx

Jinx shoots bullets in a target direction

  • Evolve: Ability Haste
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Meow Meow

Pillory Swipe – Briar

Briar sweeps in front of her, dealing damage.

  • Evolve: Max Health
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance, Max Health.

Pillory Swipe

Shield Slam – Leona

Leona slams her shield, dealing damage in a cone.

  • Evolve: Armor
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Critical Chance, Armor.

Shield Slam

Sound Wave – Seraphine

Seraphine sends out a wave, damaging and slowing enemies hit.

  • Evolve: Projectile Count
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count, Duration.

Sound Wave

Steel Tempest – Yasuo

Yasuo gains flow, which increases as he moves and dashes. At 100 flow stacks, he throws out a whirlwind.

  • Evolve: Critical Chance
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count.

Steel Tempest

Tentacle Slam – Illaoi

Illaoi slams the ground, dealing damage and spawning a tentacle that will attack nearby enemies.

  • Evolve: Duration
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Area Size, Duration.

Tentacle Slam

Winged Dagger – Xayah

Xayah throws out a dagger in front of her that pierces through enemies. It eventually leaves a dagger on the ground.

  • Evolve: Pickup Radius
  • Scaling: Damage, Ability Haste, Critical Chance, Projectile Count, Duration.

Winged Dagger

In Conclusion

That about sums up our article and breakdown of every weapon. We hope that you found this article useful. What is your favorite weapon and champion in Swarm so far? My favorite has to be either Jinx or Illaoi. As you can tell by this guide, some weapons don’t necessarily feel worth upgrading, and some champions don’t feel very strong. However, there is no right and wrong way to play this game, so play it how you wish and build what items you like the look of.

For more articles to help you get started, head to the Mobalytics Blog.