League of LegendsLoL

The Best Champions to Play with Skarner (Season 14)

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Best Skarner Synergy for Season 14

In League of Legends, synergy is incredibly important. Without it, you’ll find it difficult to win the lane, or win the game. This is due to the fact that some champions want different things, and it is hard to find a common ground between them.

When we discuss synergy, we usually think about bot lane duos, like Xayah and Rakan, and not necessarily Junglers. Jungle synergy is very important and picking champions that can help your Jungler will increase your chances of winning, and also the chances of your Jungler sitting your lane.

In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 good champions you can pair with Skarner in the Jungle role to increase your chances of winning the game. We’ve been working on a lot of Skarner content lately. If you want to know more about him and his changes, why not head over to the Mobalytics Blog?

Before we get into this article, we should ask ourselves what factors make a champion good for Skarner.

Good follow up / engage

Any champion with good follow-up and engage tools is really good with Skarner. It can be risky for him to go in on his own, so picking somebody who can actually go in with him is highly beneficial. This can range from tanks with CC, or any champion really who can close the gap and jump on the enemy with him.

There are so many good champions that have follow-up, and even champions that can’t really follow up can be played with him as well. You just need to put yourself in a position to actually follow up when he goes in.

Has CC tools

Another factor is champions with hard CC or multiple CC tools. It can be hard to gank a lane when the champion lacks CC, especially in the early game. Layering crowd control abilities makes it nearly impossible for the enemy to escape. It also increases your chances of getting kills in the laning phase.

Furthermore, Skarner may not gank you if you don’t have any hard crowd control abilities, or have the ability to follow up. In fact, this remains true for many champions and Junglers in League of Legends, so just keep that in mind in general.

Champions with burst

Another factor could be champions with burst damage. It is clear that Skarner doesn’t deal a lot of damage because he builds primarily tank items. If you can play a champion that has a lot of burst damage, then the two of you can work together to get kills. The Skarner may not want to gank a lane unless you can kill the lane opponent, and having a lot of burst damage and playing around core abilities such as Ultimates will benefit everyone.

Recommended picks

In an ideal situation, your champion will have multiple of these things that we have suggested. However I understand that it is not always possible. Just keep these factors in mind when you see your Jungler pick Skarner.

We will now discuss some champions that work well with Skarner. Please note, these may not be statistically the best champions, but they have multiple things in their kit that synergise well with Skarner.


The first champion on our list is Lissandra. Lissandra has a good laning phase, with multiple tools to set up the Skarner. She has 2 CC tools (her W and Ultimate) which are invaluable for Junglers. She can also follow up with his Ultimate with hers, if he pulls the enemy under their tower!

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She is great in team fights just like Skarner, as she is AOE tools. Her Passive is also extremely strong too, and if she is able to get 1 kill, her Passive can deal a lot of damage in fights. Just like Skarner, she wants to team fight, so the two of them are great together.


Early skirmishes that can coinflip the early game are quite frequent in LoL right now. Having a strong champion who can quickly rotate to help like Renekton can set him off on the right foot. Renekton is a strong skirmishing champion that can deal considerable damage.

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He can also assist the Skarner in taking early objectives like the Void Grubs and the Rift Herald too. Throughout the laning phase, he can easily follow up when Skarner wants to fight with his E. He can also force tower dives with his Ultimate too. Finally, it’s also good to mention that Renekton is a flex pick and while not commonly played in the mid-lane, can be played there too.


Amumu is a fantastic Support in the current meta of LoL. he has multiple CC tools which will help his follow up or start the fight. This is true in both team fights and during the laning phase. Post 6, he can use his Ultimate to assist Skarner. This will pretty much always result in a double kill for the bottom lane.

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Let’s not forget that he is also a tank who loves to go in. So the two of them can soak up a lot of damage and focus the enemy carries. This will make it really easy for them in team fights. So in short, Amumu Support is a fantastic duo for Skarner in Season 14.


Gragas is a strong, versatile pick in the current meta of League of Legends. He is strong in both the Top and Mid roles, as well as the Jungle role of course too. Him being a flex pick, who is currently strong is good for Skarner.

During the laning phase, Gragas has a lot of poke to get the enemy down with his Q. He also has a gap closure with his E, which he can use to either initiate a fight, or follow up when Skarner goes in. This paired with his Ultimate offer him a lot of additional damage and good follow up potential: 2 things that Skarner craves.


The final champion on our list is Naafiri. Naafiri is one of the newest champions to arrive on Summoners Rift, and he is a flex pick like some of the other champions we have listed. Naafiri has good all-in and follow-up. He can go in when Skarner goes in, so as we have discussed, playing someone who can go in with him is vital. Post 6, Naafiri’s Ultimate is a damaging tool, too, so using it can result in kills.

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Unlike Skarner and some of the other champions on our list, Naafiri deals a lot of damage, which is amplified when he has a few kills early on and an advantage. As we have discussed, he needs to be played with champions that deal damage. The only downside of picking Naafiri is that he doesn’t have CC, but that is really only a bonus anyway.

Final Thoughts

That sums up our article on champions who have great synergy with Skarner. Please remember that these may not be statistically the best, but they have things in their kit that work well with Skarner to make his gameplay a little easier. What other champions do you think work well with Skarner? Let us know below.

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