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How to Climb Fast in Season 14 League of Legends

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How to Climb and Solo Carry in League of Legends Season 14

The new League of Legends season has begun, and we’re off to a flying start. This season has already shown some amazing off meta picks dominating solo queue like Karma mid, Brand Jungle, and TF being played literally everywhere. Many players have already started their ranked climb, and if you haven’t already, maybe you should check out this guide we wrote on how to get the best start in Season 14.

In this Mobalytics article, we will provide you with the best tips and tricks you can easily utilise to climb fast in Season 14 so you can get that Diamond border you’ve been searching for for a long time. You’re practically guaranteed to climb in LoL if you utilise all these tips (and some in our other article).

Make sure you head to the Mobalytics Blog where we’ve made a lot of other guides to help you climb in Season 14!

Stick to 1 Role

The first thing you need to do to climb this Season is to main a role, and limit your time spent playing other roles in ranked. If you are a fill player, or if you just like to switch it up, you’re never going to perform as well as somebody who mains a certain role. In reality, the best players in the world stick to one role and have a backup role in case they are filled. There are few and far between Challenger level players who are fill only.

When you play one role, you are going to know so much more about the lane compared to somebody who may be auto-filled. This can give you a huge advantage as you will know the matchups, the jungle timers, gank paths, and so much more that can build up your League of Legends knowledge.

My advice would be to stick to one main role and then have a backup role in case you get your secondary pick. However, you still need to be able to play that secondary role to a good standard and not just play a tank in that position.

Build the Right Items

The new items have been out for a while now, so you should be used to them and know what your champion should build. However, every patch has small tweaks that may impact your favourite champions. It is pretty important to build the correct items and know what each item does so you can play with or against it.

Let’s assume that you don’t check the patch notes, and don’t really understand what items you are buying. Unless you are copying a build, you may not be building the correct items or in the correct order. This can cost you in the long run.

Stormsurge Crop

Do you know what champions can build this item? Maybe, or maybe not. The reality is that you may never know if this item is good on your champion if you don’t keep up to date with the latest builds. One way you can keep up to date with the latest builds in League of Legends is by downloading the Mobalytics App and directly importing builds into your client.

You will no longer have to worry about building incorrect items or building items in the wrong order as you will always know what the best build for your champion is. These builds get updated daily, so if there’s a new and upcoming build, you can quickly hop on to the trend if the app is installed.

Prioritize Those Objectives

Prioritising objectives is one of the best ways to climb in League. For you to win the game, you’re going to need to destroy those objectives to open up the map and to increase your income. However, towers are not the only thing you need to be on the lookout for.

With the major jungle changes in Season 14, you must prioritise taking the Voidgrubs as early as possible. Usually, you should take them after your first major clear and your first back. However, many Junglers do this, so there might be a fight.

The point is that you need to be taking these objectives often because they empower your team and can help you win the game. These are not the only objectives you need to be taking, though. The Dragons are just as important as ever, and securing them is key.

If you are a Jungler, try to take early Dragons with or without your teammates’ assistance. If you’re a bottom laner or a mid-laner, try to rotate and help them. Remember, you are a team and must work on securing those objectives together.

Ban OP Champions

I want to keep this one short, just like Teemo. Ban OP champions or champions that are really strong in the current meta. People are abusing the really strong champions, as they always do, so you must remove the most contested and hot picks of the patch to reduce your chance of getting completely stomped by the enemy team.

The best ways to know what strong champions are right now are by checking Tier Lists, getting a feel of the game, and by knowing or seeing who’s popular in the current meta.

Twisted Fate base Splash

Learn Wave Management

Wave management is the number one thing that Low ELO players do not understand. It is a pretty complex subject and can be quite difficult to break down. However, in the past, I have written an in-depth wave management article that will help you master wave management in LoL. I would recommend that you read it to increase your understanding of wave management.

I won’t break it down completely here, as I’ve done it in that guide which you should read. But here are some general tips on why wave management is important and how you can use it.

When playing at a disadvantage, you should keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will reduce the enemy’s ability to zone you away from the farm. Falling behind this way will put you behind in not only items but also XP.

If you are against a champion with a strong all-in, you could keep the minion wave closer to your tower to reduce your chances of getting all end or zoned away from the farm as well. Let’s suggest that you are Yasuo versus a Renekton, if you push, he’s just going to zone you or all-in you when you walk up to farm. If you keep the wave near your tower or closer to your side of the map, he has less chance to all in you or zone your away from farm.

Hextech Renekton Splash Crop 1

Verses immobile champions, you could force the minion wave to be near your tower, so you can all-in the enemy when they walk up to farm. This will give you quite a significant gold lead as well.

When paired with a poke support as an ADC with poking tools as well, you could both push the minion wave into the enemy’s tower consistently. This will grant you kills as well as tower plates- so you’ll get a lot of gold.Zyra + Caitlyn lanes are very good at keeping the enemy pinned under their tower.

Zyra Caitlyn Custom Splash

If you are playing with an all-in Support as an ADC, it may be in your best interest to keep the wave in the middle of the lane to give the support an opportunity to play aggressive. They can’t play aggressive early if you are constantly pushing. So, early on keep the wave in a more neutral position. An Alistar cannot dive early on.

Maximize your Income

Maximising your income is extremely important if you want to win games. Getting as much gold as early as possible will let you snowball and be a machine as the game develops. Now, earning gold depends on the role you are playing, so here is some general advice.

Work on your farming and CSing. You need to last hit as many Minions as possible so you earn as much gold as you can. If you work on your wave management (like we previously suggested), then you won’t have to sacrifice so much gold either.

Clear all the camps. For junglers, it’s easy to just power farm or just gank, you need to find a healthy balance between the two. Make sure you are clearing those jungle camps throughout all stages of the game to top up your income. If you’re a laner and your jungler is not taking those camps, then take them for yourself

Keep a constant eye on those turret plates as well. Try to secure as many of them as possible, and don’t let them be taken by your minions when you are nowhere nearby. Be prepared to over stay for a few more seconds to secure the income.

It’s easier said than done, but the main things you need to do are really work on your farming and try taking as many resources that are available to you as possible.

Reduce your Champion Pool

If you’ve looked at any guides beforehand, you’ve probably come across people suggesting that you reduce your champion pool. In a game with over 160 different playable characters and more being added every year, it is easy to want to play a lot of them.

However, this isn’t the best idea if you want to climb the ranked ladder. This is because the more champions you play, the less experience you’ll have on them as you split your time across many different champions. Let’s suggest that you are laning against somebody who plays just Riven. That Riven player will be really good as they have a lot of experience on her. You might be facing them with a champion you’ve only played a handful of times, so it’s obvious who will come out ahead.

Primal Ambush Riven Splash

I recommend playing a maximum of 5 champions, split among the roles you play. This will give you enough flexibility to pick champions depending on your matchup.

Of course, go ahead and play other champions in normal games: there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re serious about climbing, then you might want to take this advice on board.

Mute All

This one is extremely simple, so I don’t need to go into too much detail. But I recommend that you mute everyone at the start of the game. While Riot has taken great measures to reduce toxicity in League, you may still find some. Muting people prevents you from tilting, getting frustrated or getting annoyed and playing worse.

ChoGath Battlecast Splash 2

You can have it muted automatically at the start of the game, or you can mute them as soon as they start flaming. It’s up to you, but I recommend just muting people and pretending you are playing with robots.

Watch Streamers

There are a lot of really good streamers out there who one-trick a champion. If you are looking to improve on a specific champion or role, I recommend tuning in to their streams and just watching how they play their matchups.

This is one of the best ways to do your own research as you can see how they do certain things and then copy it into your own gameplay. Everyone’s learning styles differ: some people prefer to read, and others prefer to watch or listen. So if you’re one of those learners, watching streamers is ideal for you.

Who you watch depends on who you like, so I can’t recommend anything. However, if you want to improve, I recommend watching educational content over entertainment (try and find a balance between the two), and watch high-ranking players, not low-ELO people as you will not learn much from them.

Know When to Quit

We will end this article on something that can be controversial. And I’m going to split this section into two. The first is that, at the end of the day, League of Legends is just a game, and your rank doesn’t mean that much.

Unless you’re trying to go pro, become a professional streamer, or want to offer educational content to your viewers or friends, you don’t really need to be a high rank. Yes, it is rewarding, but there’s no need to put yourself under so much stress trying to achieve it.

Conversely, if you truly want to climb in League of Legends, you must know when to call it quits. There is no point playing ten games every day because you won’t perform well in every single one of them. Limit how much you are playing League of Legends to increase the quality of the games and the likelihood of you winning.

Split your Ranked-Gaming session into between 3 and 5 games over the day. Consider taking a small break between every game so you have time to relax and prepare for the next one.

If you go on a loss streak and lose the first 2 games, be prepared to stop playing for the day, or take an extended break if needed. If you have a stressful game where you feed, don’t think too much about it and just try better for the next round.

Final Thoughts

And that sums up our article on 10 tips to climb quickly in Season 14. If you use everything we discussed in this article, you will see yourself climbing in LoL. Remember, you will only get so far quickly, so don’t be disheartened if you don’t climb up to Diamond in a week. Climbing in League of Legends is a marathon, not a sprint.

For more educational articles like this, check out the Mobalytics Blog.