Rumble Support Guide For Season 14
Rumble Support is the newest off-meta Support that has made its way to the main stage. Rumble Support is a dominant and oppressive laner who can constantly bully and harass the enemy in the bottom lane.
Rumble has not really been seen in the Support role before, but he is now showing up here. Previously, he was played in the Top and Mid lane, and sometimes is seen in the Jungle. So this is new for everyone really!
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Why Rumble Support
Usually, we find champions moving into different roles due to them receiving buffs or nerfs. However, this isn’t the case for Rumble. His last change was a hotfix on patch 14.2, which was quite a while ago.
Some professional players have been playing him in the support role, such as Keria and Lehends. What makes Rumble a decent Support is that he is a counter to the utility and healing and shielding Supports in the bottom lane right now.
He deals a lot of damage over time and AOE damage, which makes him great in team fights and fighting over objectives. He can complete his item quest quickly, and he is a great pick for full AD teams.
Rumble Support Best Build
This is currently the best build for Rumble Support. Apart from the obvious support item, his build is very similar to that one you may find in the Top or Mid lane.
Rumble Laning Phase
Rumble’s play style in the Support role is quite similar to the Top and Midlane, apart from the fact that you are not farming or last-hitting minions. Your goal in the laning phase is to be as annoying as possible and keep bullying the enemy with your E and Q.
During the laning phase, you need to keep trading with the enemy and poking them from afar. Once you have your first item completed, you can play more aggressively and look for extended trades.
Your Ultimate is a fantastic tool to help you get kills. You need to look for plays whenever possible and use its cooldown effectively. My recommendation is to keep poking the enemy down and then cast your Ultimate on them. Ideally, try to use it when they are near the wall and place it so it goes behind them as well. This way, when they retreat, they will still walk into it.
Don’t be afraid to team up with your jungler and try to take objectives. You are very effective at taking them with your Q and E. Another option is to invade the jungle with your Jungler. This can be an effective way to pick up kills as a team as your Ultimate is really good in these closed quartered areas.
Rumble Support Matchups
I will now break down some good matchups for Rumble, and some bad ones too. As we are releasing this article very early on, the data isn’t necessarily accurate, so we are going to just name 3 good champions you can pick Rumble against, and 3 matchups I would avoid picking Rumble into.
Good Matchups for Rumble
The first champion I would pick Rumble into is Milio. He is a utility support that doesn’t really offer too much during the laning phase, outside of healing and shields. You can abuse this to pick up kill after kill. He is also extremely squishy, so you can abuse this fact to poke him down.
Janna is one of the best supports around right now, but that doesn’t mean she’s great into everyone. Like Milio, she doesn’t do too much in the laning phase and just Buffs up her allies. You can abuse this to get killed after kill. Post-6, it is impossible for her to cast her Ultimate as your Ultimate directly counters her channel.
Soraka is another weak champion against Rumble. If she wants to heal her carry, she is going to take a lot of damage in return. Rumble deals a lot of damage over time, which makes it quite hard for anyone to sustain against him. She is also picked in lane to force a farming simulator, but Rumble can counter this.
Bad Matchups for Rumble
Nautilus has strong all-in and is a great pick against Mage or damage-dealing Supports. When you are playing against him, you are basically always going to be targeted by his Ultimate. It is a very risky match-up, and I would avoid this at all costs.
Even though you have a mobility and a shielding tool on your W it doesn’t mean you can escape easily. Rumble is notoriously immobile and squishy (with or without Flash). If you burn your Flash early on against Blitzcrank, he is just going to keep trying to hook you and kill you over and over again.
Tahm Kench
The final champion on our list is Tahm Kench. The catfish is really tanky and has an all-in tool as well. This can make it quite difficult for you to fight him, even though your spells are ranged. He will be extremely tanky and you will not be able to break through his defensive stats unless you invest in penetration.
Rumble Support Tips and Tricks
I will now review some basic Rumble tips and tricks to help you get started when playing him in the Support role. Take note that these tips may also work in a solo lane.
- Playing around your Ultimate cooldown is incredibly important. Look for plays whenever it is off cooldown.
- Limit overheating as it gives the enemy an opportunity to all-in and fight you.
- When playing against hook champions or champions that want to engage, always watch your positioning and stand behind minions. Ideally, avoid picking Rumble into them.
- Invest in healing reduction items early on to help deal with teams that are tanky and have a lot of sustain.
- When casting your Ultimate, try to aim it in the direction where you think the enemy will walk. IE forward or backwards, and rarely to the side.
- Limit using your W has you are vulnerable while it is on cooldown. Only use it to block key abilities.
- Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will protect you against mobile or champions with strong all-in. It will also help prevent ganks.
Final Thoughts
It is called to see new champions coming into the support meta. We have seen the likes of Camille, Gragas and Rek’Sai all being played in different roles lately. Which other champions do you think will move roles soon? Let us know below.
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