Top 5 Highest Win Rate Champions in One for All (Patch 14.6)
One for All is Riot Games’ latest rotating game mode. In it, five players play the exact same champion against a team composed of another set of five champions. This game mode is supposed to be fun, and if you are someone who has been playing this game mode a lot, you may have seen some champions over and over again.
In this Mobalytics article, we will discuss the 5 champions with the highest win rate in One for All. Some of these champions on our list might surprise you! Before we begin, the data we are using is provided by LoLalytics, which can be found here.
For more articles on One for All, or if you’re looking for guides to help you climb in LoL, make sure you head over to the Mobalytics Blog.
1. Yasuo (34.62%)
Yasuo is the most-picked champion of One for All. He is a very fun champion to play due to his Q and his knockup. His knockup is granted by his Q ability, which can summon a tornado. If an enemy gets knocked up by his tornado, any Yasuo can cast their Ultimate on them.
When you’re playing as 5 Yasuos’, you only need one of them to land a good Q on the enemy, and then they can all Ult those enemies who are knocked up. Let’s say that one player lands a good knockup on the whole enemy team. Every Yasuo can press R, one after another to increase the CC duration and keep the enemy CC’d for a long period of time.
He is one of the most fun champions in this game mode, and if you’ve not played him yet, I would advise you to do so before it gets nerfed! At the time of writing this article, Yasuo had a 34.63% pick rate, a 27.19% ban rate, was played 103,000 times, and had a win rate of 56.86%.
2. Lee Sin (28.98%)
Lee Sin is the second-most-picked champion in One for All. He is a fan-favourite champion who always has a high pick rate whenever a new game mode comes out. He is also one of the most popular champions in LoL. These are the main reasons that people pick him in this game mode.
When it comes to One for All gameplay, Lee Sin can be played in any lane. He is not just a Jungler, and in Season 13, he was played in both the Top and Mid Lane. This is ideal for a champion to be good in this game mode. You may notice that some champions who are just Junglers (like Elise) are not good in this game mode at all.
Lee Sin is also extremely fun to play. With those low cooldowns and kicks, you can constantly limit tests and make flashy plays on the enemy. Give him a go if you haven’t already. Lee Sin had a 28.98% pick rate, an 8.89% ban rate, was played 87,000 times, and had a win rate of 57.79%.
3. Shaco (21.67%)
The third most-picked champion in One for All is Shaco. Picture this. You are playing 5v5, and then all of a sudden: you’re not. It’s now 6v5, 7v5, 8v5, 9v5 and now it’s 10v5. That is the possibility when picking Shaco!
Shaco is super annoying to play against. You might think you’re killing the real Shaco, but it is, in fact, a clone. When a clone explodes, it also CCs its targets, so it is nearly impossible to have a fun experience against him.
Shaco is also a very versatile champion, so you don’t need to just go AD. You can go AP, too! Shaco had a 21.67% pick rate, a 57.32% ban rate, was played 64,000 times, and had a win rate of 42.82%.
4. Smolder (20.80%)
Smolder is one of the newest champions in LoL. Even after his nerfs, he is still one of the most popular picks in One for All. I think we can say that some people playing Smolder in this game mode are just trying him out because he is new, and not everyone has purchased him yet.
What makes Smolder really good in One for All is that he is a really fun champion. He can gain stacks easily, has lots of abilities in his kit to protect him, and using 5 Ultimate in one team fight is, frankly, hilarious.
Abuse Smolder while you can. This little dragon is a great pick right now! At the time of writing this article, Riot Games’ latest release, Smolder, had a 20.80% pick rate, a 20.20% ban rate, was played 62,000 times, and had a win rate of 34.87%.
5. Yone (19.67%)
Yone is the final champion on our list, and while his pick rate is the lowest on our list, it is still remarkable at 19.67%. Yone is a great champion and can be picked in any role. This is an important factor, as you should play champions that work well in every lane!
He is quite fun and annoying to play against due to his strong all-in potential and his Ultimate. He can chase you down the lane and keep abusing you whenever you walk up to last-hit minions. In team fights, 5 Yone’s casting their Ultimate is not only impressive but also very fun and rewarding.
Yone doesn’t have a huge ban rate, so you can get him quite frequently, especially if you play as a 5 person stack. When writing this article, he had a 19.67% pick rate, a 9.88% ban rate, was played a total of 58,000 times, and had a win rate of 63.95%.
Final Remarks
One for All is a limited event, so make sure you play as much as you can before it disappears again. We hope you have found our recent One for All articles interesting, and if you’ve not seen any of them yet, you can find them over on the Mobalytics Blog.
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