All The LoL Items That Were Removed for Season 11
As part of the massive Preseason revamp to the League of Legends Item Shop, a lot of the older items that weren’t revamped were removed. They have removed these items for many reasons, but mostly because they overlap with new items or since they weren’t bought very often.
With some of the items that have been removed, we will discuss a similar item that has could be brought as a replacement. Take note that the recommended replacement items are not 1-to-1, but will be similar.
If you want to know about all the other new items Riot have implemented for Season 11, check out our other Season 11 item articles where we’ve broken down all the new items.
Adaptive Helm
- Adaptive Helm is not returning under a new name in Season 11. Helm was a rather niche item and only really worked against enemies who were AP, did damage over time, and was only able to be purchased on a select few champions.
Possible replacement item:
- Spirit Visage– Gives health, magic resistance, health regen, and ability haste.
Athene’s Unholy Grail
- Athenes was removed as a whole. It was basically a must-have item for every healing/shielding Support and as Riot wants to improve build paths, it had to be removed.
Possible replacement item:
- Staff of Flowing Water– Gives AP, healing and shielding power and mana regen.
Frozen Mallet
- Frozen Mallet wasn’t purchased by a lot of champions and will not be returning in Season 11. It was too niche and didn’t really fit most champions.
Possible replacement item:
- Blade of the Ruined King- Gives AD, attack speed, and life steal. Will provide extra movement speed too.
Hextech GLP-800
- Hextech GLP will return as a Mythic Item under the name of Everfrost. However, unlike Hextech GLP, it will be used as more of a defensive tool rather than a pick tool like Hextech was.
Possible replacement item:
- Everfrost: Gives AP, health, mana, and ability haste. Active will slow enemies in a cone.
Hextech Gunblade
- Hextech Gunblade was only purchased on champions who wanted to one-shot enemies. It was not a viable option for almost all champions in the game, so this item’s getting removed.
Possible replacement item:
- Riftmaker- Gives AP, health, ability haste, and omnivamp.
- Spellbinder will not be making an appearance in 2021. It was too niche, hard to use, and was only really brought on Vladimir and a few other champions. Not too much to say about it really
Possible replacement item:
- Rabadon’s Deathcap– Gives AP.
Statikk Shiv
- Riot has noted that Shiv’s lightning effect was either underwhelming or too strong. They found this item hard to balance which made it one of the factors as to why they canceled this item for Season 11.
Possible replacement item:
- Runann’s Hurricane– Gives AD, attack speed, critical strike, and movement speed. Active makes your auto attacks focus nearby champions.
Twin Shadows
- Twin Shadows offered a lot to people who went Glacial, but it didn’t offer anything else to anyone else. It will not make a return in 2021.
Possible replacement item:
- Everfrost: Gives AP, health, mana, and ability haste. Active will slow enemies in a cone.
Some of these items will return under a new name. If you want to see if any one of these items has returned under a new name, check out our new item guides. We’ve broken down all the new Mythic and Legendary items, so it’s worth giving them a quick look over.
We will now discuss some of the items that were reworked rather than removed. These items are still in the game, but their names have changed. All of the items are now Mythic items instead of Legendary items.
- Ludens Echo > Luden’s Tempest
- Liandry’s Torment > Liandry’s Anguish
- Hextech Protobelt-01 > Hextech Rocketbelt
- Sunfire Cape > Sunfire Aegis
- Righteous Glory > Turbo Chemtank
- Iceborn Gauntlet > Frostfire Gauntlet
- Shurelya’s Reverie > Shurelya’s Battlesong
These previously completed items are now Mythic items. Their name has remained the same.
- Duskblade of Draktharr
- Trinity Force
- Locket of the Iron Solari
Thank you for reading, we hope you enjoyed this breakdown of the older items that were removed or replaced for Season 11. To find other guides related to the new Season 11 items, head here.
If you have any questions or want to learn more, check out PicklePants’s stream.
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