Essential Skills to Master for Junglers in LOL
Junglers can have the most impact in League of Legends, and as a Jungle main, it is key that you master your craft and be anywhere and everywhere across the map. A good Jungler can dominate the game and take over very quickly: ganking their allies and absolutely destroying the enemy Jungler in their own jungle.
In this Mobalytics article, we will break down several important skills you need to master as a Jungler to improve and become the top-tier Jungler that every team wants on their side. If you work on everything we discuss in this guide, you will see yourself climbing fast as you can impact the map and get ahead fast.
This article is brought to you in partnership with our friends from ONE Esports, check them out for more awesome LoL content!
Essential Skills to Master for Junglers
- Map Awareness
- Optimal Clearing
- Objective Control
- Warding
- Invading
1. Map Awareness
Map awareness is an essential skill for Junglers in League of Legends. Firstly, it allows you to anticipate ganks and ambushes by enemy champions, which can help them to avoid being caught out of position and killed.
Secondly, map awareness helps Junglers make better decisions about when and where to gank enemy lanes, allowing them to predict enemy movements and positioning. This can give them an advantage in securing kills and helping their allies to gain an advantage in their lanes.
There are several ways that Junglers can improve their map awareness. One way is to constantly check the minimap, as it provides valuable information about the location and movements of enemy champions. Another way is to pay attention to chat and pings from teammates, which can provide additional information about enemy movements and objectives.
Junglers can also practice predicting enemy movements by watching replays of their games or by watching pro players and learning common jungle routes. It’s also helpful for Junglers to understand the champions on the enemy team and their abilities, as this can give them a better idea of what the enemy champions are capable of and how they might move around the map. For instance, Evelynn may not be ganking in the early game, as she needs to hit level 6.
2. Optimal Clearing
Optimal clears are the most efficient way for a Jungler to clear the camps in their jungle and maximise their gold and experience income. Junglers need to have good clear times because it allows them to start ganking earlier, gain gold more quickly, and become more powerful in the early game.
Optimal clears are essential for several reasons. Firstly, they allow the Jungler to level up faster, which gives them an advantage. This lead can help them secure kills and objectives more efficiently, giving their team an advantage. Secondly, optimal clears allow the Jungler to gain gold more quickly, which enables them to buy better items and become more powerful.
As some Junglers like Ivern or Nidalee don’t always have the healthiest clears, learning how to optimise your clears is very important.
To find the most optimal and best clears for your Jungler, head over to the Mobalytics champion page for your champion and copy the suggested clear. We have recommendations for both sides of the map, so follow them!
3. Objective Control
Objective control is one of the most important things for a Jungler to master in LoL. If you do not have good objective control, you will suffer and your whole team will also. Learning when to take an objective is key, and you should try to take as many objectives as you can.
Knowing if you can or can’t take an objective is challenging, but with more practice you’ll soon discover and realise opportunities where you can take it- so practice makes perfect. As a general rule, make sure your bottom lane has priority and is pushing the enemy in. They can help you take it if needed as they can rotate quicker than the enemy.
Some Junglers can solo the objective, such as Udyr and they can do it fast and without assistance. However, some Junglers can only do the objective with help, such as Rumble early on.
Check out this separate article by ONE Esports.
4. Warding
The fourth tip on our list is about warding. Warding is crucial for Junglers, and you must place and clear wards too. In the early game, ensure you’re placing vision around the map and using your trinket whenever it is up.
Junglers will tend to switch their trinket for a sweeper as the game goes along, but that doesn’t mean that you should stop placing wards! Buy Control Wards early on, and throughout the game! Place an early Control Ward, and then buy more as the game develops.
For more information on warding, check out this article by ONE Esports.
Now, where you place the wards depends on the current game state, but here’s some general pointers:
- Place your first Control Ward in the map’s neutral or defensive area. Somewhere in the river is a good idea!
- Try to secure Scuttle Crabs and use the Scryers Bloom often to provide/deny vision for your team.
- Make sure you always have a Control Ward on the map at any time.
If you’re looking for some warding locations, I would highly advise you to give our in-depth warding guide a view as it has tons of warding locations for every role in the game!
5. Invading
The 5th skill on our list is mastering the art of Invading. Invading is an important skill to master as it allows you to steal away camps, get kills and overall get yourself ahead while putting the enemy Jungler behind.
Many things we have discussed on our list enable you to invade much more effectively. For instance, having good map awareness and placing vision to see the enemy Jungler around the map, and then using that knowledge to either invade their jungle to steal away their camps or to not blindly invade.
Something you can keep in mind is that having a good understanding of early-game power spikes will give you an idea of what the enemy Jungler wants to do. For instance, a weak early-game champion like Fiddlesticks will want to power farm early so he can get his Ultimate. Knowing this, you can invade him early on to delay his power spike and kill him. Fiddle is not the strongest in 1v1s early, so if you’re strong early, you can invade and try to kill him too.
Invading does take some practice to master, so don’t be afraid of invading if you make mistakes. We’ve made a separate guide on invading in the past, which will help you get a headstart to invading in LoL.
That is the end of this Mobalytics article. We hope that these 5 things we’ve discussed in our article today will help you in the long run help you get to your end-of-season goals and let you climb quickly in LoL. Remember to check out our friends at ONE Esports for more awesome League content.
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