5 Best Top Laners for Season 13 to Help You Climb in League of Legends
In season 13 of League of Legends, you’ll climb quicker and feel less stressed when you’re playing a strong champion in the current meta and someone you’re good at. If you decide to play a weak champion or someone you’re not very good at, you will hinder your performance and make climbing much harder.
Unfortunately, Top laners don’t get as many ganks compared to other lanes because the Jungler will lose priority over the Dragon when they’re playing towards the top side of the map. This is where playing a champion who can carry on their own is highly beneficial in the Top lane, and in this Mobalytics guide we will break down 5 of the best solo carry Top Laners you can play in season 13.
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1. Fiora
Fiora is the first champion on our list. She is a lane-dominant top laner who can get kills repeatedly throughout the game. Her Q is very good at helping her chase down over-extended enemies and help you kill them when they walk up to farm.
To solo carry on Fiora, you should freeze the minion wave so it is close to your tower. This will force the enemy to overextend, which you can capitalise on and then chase them down the long lane to kill them.
The goal for Fiora is to fight frequently. You need to pick her if you’re an aggressive player who loves to fight constantly. If you don’t want to fight often, Fiora’s not the champion for you as she relies on the player to be hyper-aggressive.
2. Renekton
The second champion on the list is Renekton, who has been a monster ever since his release. Renektoon is a lane-dominant champion who loves to skirmish and fight the enemy.
Renekton doesn’t have that many bad matchups right now, and even when he is in a bad matchup, there are ways to play around it. In Low ELO, Renektons can be devastating due to players not knowing how to wave manage correctly and handle his aggression.
If you want to get good on any aggressive champion, the way to learn is through trial and error. Try to fight often and limit test.
3. Malphite
Malphite is our next recommendation and the only real pure tank on our list. Malphite is a versatile yet deadly champion who can either win lane or go even.
Malphite’s versatility is one of the best things about his kit. He can go pure tank, off-tank, or build AP items if he is ahead. This flexibility is good for any player, but especially for someone looking to climb the ladder.
He has a lot of play-making potential with his Ultimate in team fights and throughout the mid-game. He can constantly look for plays and get himself and his team ahead by using his Ultimate from the fog of war to collapse on over-extended targets.
4. Mordekaiser
This AP top laner has been dominating Solo Queue for a while now, and he has become even stronger with the new item changes. Mordekaiser has been a strong Solo Queue pick who is good at all stages of the game and can win lane and win the game.
With a skirmish-heavy playstyle, Mordekaiser can take over the lane by constantly bullying the enemy and then going for extended trades and all-ining them when they overextend in the lane. Getting as little as one kill can help you win and gain a significant lead over the enemy laner.
Personally, I feel like Mordekaiser is one of the harder champions on our list, but if you put in the effort to learn him, you can quickly use this new-found skill to take over the game and beat any opponent you’re faced with. I would highly recommend adding Mordekaiser to your roster of champions if you want to climb fast this season!
5. Olaf
It has been quite a while since Olaf has been a strong champion in the Top lane. He had seen some dominance in the Jungle as of late and was picked quite a lot in pro play in the past year or so. However, with the current meta changes, Olaf has again become strong.
He is a very good lane bully with lots of poke at levels 1 and 2 with his Q. He can poke the enemy down with Q, gain a health lead and then fight the enemy. Olaf is one of the cheesiest champions at level 1, and you can easily kill the enemy if they overextend. With this in mind, post 6, you can freeze near your tower and then all-in them when they overextend and then chase them down the long lane.
Just like Fiora, you should only play Olaf if you’re a very aggressive player. You need to learn when you should and shouldn’t play aggressively, and you must abuse your lead whenever you get one when you want to play Olaf.
In Summary
Learning how to carry solo as a Top laner is essential, so you must give yourself every slight advantage to win the game. We hope that this guide has provided you with tips and tricks to help you climb, and if you’re interested in learning more, we would highly suggest you sign up for your free Mobalytics account for hundreds of extra tips to gain the edge over your opponent.
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