5 Best Solo Carry Supports in League of Legends
Supports are in an incredibly strong position this Season as are doing incredibly well so far. Supports have tons of map pressure and can take over the map with ease and they can often have as much pressure around the map as the Mid laner or the Jungler.
In this Mobalytics article, we will break down 5 of the best Supports you can pick in League of Legends to solo carry the game. By picking a champion who is strong adn has good carry potential, you will increase your chances of winning the game and climbing in League of Legends.
It’s up for debate, but I think that Supports are one of the hardest roles to master in League of Legends. You need to have good map awareness, good positioning and have good knowledge of the game to perform well. Thankfully, you can learn how to master these techniques with a free Mobalytics account!
1. Nami
Nami is the first champion on our Support list, and what a way to start it off! Nami is a fantastic Support who has a lot of play-making potential and a lot of peel too. She is really good at peeling for her allies as she has CC tools, utility and a heal.
She is a grand champion in solo queue as she can dictate the lane, play aggressively, and get picks. Unlike some other champions in League, she relies less on her teammates because she can make plays herself. While Nami doesn’t deal damage, she provides a lot for her team to deal damage.
If you’re looking for a champion that doesn’t rely so much on their team but also is a utility and healing champion, then Nami is the perfect champion to main in Season 13!
2. Thresh
Without adding Thresh to it, I don’t think we could have a top 5 list. Thresh is a fantastic solo carry champion with good pick potential throughout all game stages. You can use his Q or E throughout the early game to catch enemies out of position and CC them.
Thresh has good roaming potential and can help out his allies by roaming around the map and setting up/getting kills with them. After you’ve got boots, look to roam around the map and team up with your Jungler to get kills elsewhere on the map.
As long as you’re good at landing your Q you can directly impact team fights by locking down and CCing key enemy targets. If you can pick off the enemy carry, it will be really hard for them to deal damage or survive the fight.
3. Leona
One of the most consistent Supports around is Leona. Leona is a great tank Support who has 3 abilities to help her allies get picks. She gets tanky fast with her W, and she can lock down enemies for a long period of time.
Leona is a champion that loves to go deep and hard. When playing her, you need to play aggressive from level 2 onwards and look for plays whenever the enemy miss positions or walks too far forward. Post 6, you can just throw your Ultimate out and easily catch the enemy Support or ADC out of position.
Just like Thresh, Leona is an amazing roamer and can move around the map and gank her allies as soon as she has purchased and upgraded boots. If your ADC is constantly pushing post 6, you could look to roam and use your Ultimate in the mid-lane.
4. Janna
Janna is a fan favourite Support who has a very good winrate and is seen at all levels of play. She is a good Support to master this season as she is somewhat easy to play and understand. She also has a very strong laning phase and is amazing in team fights.
Janna has a lot of poke throughout the laning phase, which you can use to abuse the enemies in the lane and get them low. You can then use your health advantage to make plays and setup your Jungler too for extra kills.
She is good at peeling for her carries as she has many tools to counter all-ins (like her Q and Ultimate) and she has a lot of healing through her Ultimate and the items she buys.
5. Sona
The final Support on our list is Sona. Sona is a highly undervalued Support to climb with in LoL! She is simple and easy to play, and one of the more forgiving champions on our list, which is great if you make a mistake or fall behind early.
Sona is really good during team fights and the mid-game thanks to her Ultimate and her heal. She has a lot of tools to protect and keep her allies alive for longer. She can use her Ultimate to get picks and setup kills for her team. From there, she can empower her team to get more kills.
A good Sona must play aggressive early to stack their Passive. They must then utilise their empowered autos for extra damage (or whatever you need) in lane to have more successful trades, and then constantly look for picks with their Ultimate whenever it is up.
In Summary
To summarise, you will heavily increase your chances of winning and climbing in League of Legends by playing any of the champions on our list. If you do not find any of the champions on our list that suit your play style, why not head over to the Mobalytics app and find someone else who might?
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