Best Late Game ADCs in League of Legends
Right now, there are so many strong AD Carries around that are dominating Summoners Rift. These champions vary from early game, mid game and late game dominant champions. In this Mobalytics guide, we will focus on the 5 best late game ADCs in League of Legends.
While all the champions on our list are great in the late game, they’re also pretty good during the laning phase and mid-game. They’re solid picks at all ranks and all ELOs.
Need some extra tips to help you play the champions on our list? Head to Mobalytics to find out more.
Best Late Game ADCs in League of Legends
We talk about some of these champions in-depth, and you can also find other strong late-game champions in this video!
1. Vayne
Vayne is the first ADC people think of when they want a “late game” champion. Why? Because she scales incredibly well throughout the game.
Most people don’t actually realise how good Vayne is in all stages of the game when she is paired with the right Support, but her late game is definitely where she shines. The reason for this is her short cooldown Q which makes her hard to shut down, her W and her build.
Her W is the ultimate tank buster. It deals true damage, enabling her to easily break through the enemy’s health bar. Mix this with the items she will buy and have in the late game, and as long as she can kite and use her Q effectively, she will be a real pain for the enemy.
Tips and Tricks:
- Stay safe in the early game and do not fall behind. Farm what you can and get as much gold so you can become strong in the mid and late game.
- Try to always auto-attack the enemy 3 times, so you get your Passive to proc off with your W. This will make trades more favourable.
- Watch your positioning in team fights and be prepared to use your Q defensively rather than towards the enemy.
2. Senna
Senna may not look like a late game monster as she is pretty good during the laning phase, but there’s one part of her kit that makes her a real machine in the late game.
The more stacks she gets from the drops throughout the game, the stronger she will be. Passively, she can gain tons of the stacks that empower her stats, such as her range, damage and crit.
If Senna is proactive and can pick up a lot of stacks, she will be incredibly obnoxious, and she can quickly kill anyone who oversteps. She can chase players down, blow them up, and keep auto-attacking them with her insane range.
Tips and Tricks:
- Make sure you harass and trade with the enemy as often as you can to get soul drops. Good times to trade are when there isn’t a cannon minion in the lane or when the enemy Support walks up to secure minions.
- Do not use your Ultimate mid-combo. It takes some time to charge up, and you’ll be exposed to enemy CC and damage. You will also miss out on an auto-attack or two- which may make all the difference in a fight.
- Do not use your E unless you’re being ganked. It’s not a good ability to use mid-combo, and it costs a lot of mana and doesn’t help when fighting.
3. Twitch
The next champion on our list is Twitch. Firstly, he is extremely obnxous with his invisibility which allows him to sneak up on enemies. If the enemy isn’t focused, they could get caught out by him.
Twitch can be really strong when paired with a utility Support or someone who enables him, as they empower his autos and damage output. He just needs to stand there and auto-attack and as long as the player can kite, he will be tough to kill.
Teams will also be grouped pretty closely at this stage of the game, so he can melt them down with his Ultimate as it can deal damage to multiple targets at once (he will also build Runnans Hurricane, which lets him auto-attack multiple champions at once.
Tips and Tricks:
- Line your Ultimate up with as many enemies as possible to get the maximum damage output with your Ultimate.
- Twitch isn’t very strong in the early game. Avoid dying by playing safe until you’ve got your first item.
- Go for extended trades whenever possible. Thanks to your Passive, extended trades work heavily in your favour. Look for extended trades over short ones.
4. Akshan
Akshan is one of the latest champions to hit summoners rift, but he is definitely a strong late game champion. Firstly, something that players may overlook is his W which can help his team spot and take down targets.
His late game’s damage output and his Q and E chase down potential are obnoxious. He can easily catch players out who are overextended or who do not respect his all-in and chase potential.
What truly makes him shine through is his Passive which could help him bring his whole team back to life if he shuts the right enemy targets down. Imagine the enemy getting four kills, and then you kill the target that got the quadra: your whole team will be revived. This could allow you to get the Baron or Elder Dragon in the late game.
Tips and Tricks:
- To avoid getting your Ultimate cancelled, try and use it when the enemy wastes CC tools or whenever you’re not going to get it interrupted.
- Auto-attack before using your Q as your Q applies stacks that allow you to get your Passive procs with ease.
- Refrain from using your E unless you have to. During the laning phase, you’re quite vulnerable to an all-in if you’re caught out of position without it.
5. Karthus
The final champion on our list is Karthus. There’s a lot that can be said about Karthus, but his kit is great in the late game: and all stages for that matter.
He has very good pick potential with his E, which can help his team catch out too far forward enemies. The fantastic slow it provides can be hard to deal with if you’re immobile and slightly too far forward.
His constant Q spam, his “life after death”, and his Ultimate are all contributing factors to why he is a very annoying and robust late game champion. If you’re fighting Karthus, try to disengage from him and reposition when he dies so he cannot spam you with his Q while in his Passive.
Tips and Tricks:
- Farm with Q in the early game to make it easier for your to pick up CS.
- Deactivate your Defile once the skirmish has finished as it will eat through your mana bar.
- Keep an eye on the minimap at all times and use your R to pick up kills on low health.
ADCs are super strong throughout the game. Getting an early lead can make you snowball faster and be a late game monster. The Mobalytics site has tons of extra tips to help you dominate the enemy ADC and Support. Check it out now!
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