Best Champions to Climb With in Iron and Bronze
If you’re an Iron or Bronze player who is wanting to climb the ranks in League of Legends, it is important that you play a champion you enjoy but who is also pretty simple to understand. When you’re such a low rank, it’s important that you give yourself as many advantages as you can, including playing a champion who is easy to learn. In this Mobalytics guide, we will talk about 5 champions: 1 for each role who are some of the best champions to play in Iron and Bronze. This is part of a rank up series where we detail champions who are best suited to climb with.
As a quick disclaimer, the champions on all our lists are our opinion which is backed by data and current League trends. You may not get on with the champions we suggest, and that’s totally okay! You may find more success maining or one-tricking different champions instead! If you’re an Iron or Bronze player and need to climb, definitely sign up for a free Mobalytics account to help you improve quickly!
1. Gragas
The first champion on our list has been a really strong champion for a large part of Season 14. He is a strong top laner with a versatile build path that can enable him to either go AP or Tank. This champion is Gragas. Gragas is a very simple champion who has a lot of damage and poke throughout all stages of the game.
In low ELO, picking a champion who is quite forgiving can be beneficial. Thanks to Gragas’ Passive, he can get additional sustain. His W also gives him a lot of additional trading power as it empowers his next auto-attack which will help him in trades. Even in the toughest of matchups, he can poke and farm from afar with his Q. Gragas has everything someone might need in their kit, and his Ultimate is also extremely good in team fights too. His Ultimate can deal a ton of damage when built AP.
On patch 14.11, Gragas had a 47% win rate. But don’t let that win rate fool you.
2. Xin Zhao
If you’re looking for a Jungler with great carry potential, and if you love fighting and skirmishing with the enemy often, then this champion might be for you. Xin Zhao’s ability to snowball and easily gain a lead makes him so good for beginners. Even if you can’t get ganks of, he can farm up a treat, invade the enemy and fight basically anyone.
Xin Zhao has great skirmishing power throughout all stages of the game. He can easily snowball just by getting one kill. So, if you’re not a coward and want to fight frequently, make sure you invade and try to fight the enemy as often as possible. He can gank from level 3 onwards, and post 6, he can fight basically anyone who he comes into contact with. As a Jungler, don’t forget those objectives, though. Xin can take every objective easily.
During patch 14.11, Xin Zhao had a 50.81% win rate.
3. Lux
The Mid-lane in League of Legends is one of the most popular roles for anyone to play. There are so many champions that can be picked there, that it can be quite overwhelming to know who is good and who you should avoid playing. If you’re like me and get bored quickly of the same champions, you should try to pick someone with a play style that you like and enjoy. This brings us to our 3rd pick of the list, who is Lux.
Lux is a fantastic champion to play due to her versatile but amusing play style. She can be played in multiple roles (Mid and Support) and deals a lot of damage in both roles. Lux has over 10+ skins, so if you like to customize your champion, then you’ll never get bored of playing Lux. After she has completed her first item, Lux has a lot of wave clear and poke with her E and Q combo.
In Bronze on patch 14.11, Lux had a 52% win rate in the Middle lane.
4. Jinx
Jinx is one of the best ADCs around right now in League of Legends. Jinx is very simple and easy to play, which makes her a really good pick for anyone who might not be the best ADC player mechanically. She is also a hyper-carry, which means any small lead can allow her to snowball quite heavily and also take over the game. Another benefit to Jinx is she is great at pretty much all ranks, so if you main her and get out of Bronze, she can carry you even further.
Jinx has good synergy with a lot of different Supports thanks to her versatile play style. She can be played with tank champions like Leona or Alistar and follow up on their CC, or she can be played with utility champions like Janna or Lulu who empower her and keep her alive for longer. Regardless of meta, Jinx is pretty much always good, so why not give her a try if you’re in the department for a new ADC!
For an ADC, Jinx had one of the highest win rates at 50.91%.
5. Leona
The final champion on our list is going to be Leona. Leona is a tank Support who has very high pick potential throughout all stages of the game. Having high pick potential is very valuable for a Support, as it can help you get kills and enable your team to get picks and even more kills. Playing an aggressive Support over a utility or healing champion is very good in low ELO.
As she does need to make plays to get ahead, you have to be able to pull the trigger and play aggressively. If you’re a passive player or don’t really get on with tank champions, then this champion isn’t really for you as you need to be cocky and aggressive. Post 6, Leona’s need to be looking for plays with their Ultimate. Try to play around your Ultimate’s cooldown and get kill after kill. If you’re against an immobile or squishy champion, then you can just Ult them to get a free kill.
In the Bronze league, Leona had a 51.39% win rate in the Support role.
In Conclusion
That about sums up our list of the best champions in Iron and Bronze. If none of these champions tickle your fancy, head over to the Mobalytics Tier List and see if there are any other champions you like the look of. Remember that it is important to pick a strong champion and someone you enjoy. So if you don’t like any of these champions, don’t worry.
To learn these champions and more, head to Mobalytics!
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