The Top 10 Best Solo Carry Top Laners for Season 14 in League of Legends
The 14th Season of League of Legends is well underway, and we’ve already seen a huge influx of players returning to that ranked climb. In Season 14 there were a lot of changes in the Top lane, which has resulted in different champions becoming strong or being played there.
The changes in the Top lane were more related to the layout of the lane and the Rift Herald. But let’s not forget that the item changes have also impacted this lane and the Grubs in the Baron Pit.
In this Mobalytics guide, we will help you on your climb by listing 10 of the best carry top laners you should play this Season (or this split) to maximise your climb in Season 14. We’ve also worked on many other articles to help you climb in Season 14. Make sure you check them out on the Mobalytics Blog.
Before we begin, we know some of these champions have received nerfs in recent patches (Fiora on patch 14.7, Vayne earlier in the season etc). We think they are still a great pick this season, and if you main them and stick with them throughout, you’ll be set for the whole year.
1. Aatrox
The first champion on our list is Aatrox! Aatrox is now back in the meta, and is one of the most popular, and strongest Top Laners in Season 14. His high skirmishing power, mixed with the benefits of a new build in Season 14, has made him one of the best solo carry Top Laners to climb with in Season 14.
What makes Aatrox so strong is his high damage output and skirmishing power. He can constantly fight the enemy Top Laner and win trades with his Q and auto-attacks. Winning lane is very important for Top Laners, as it allows their Jungler to take the Rift Herald uncontested. A strong early-game Top Laner can also help them take the Grubs.
Aatrox stats for Patch 14.6:
- Aatrox’s win rate was 50.99%.
- On Patch 14.6, Aatrox had a 12.15% pick rate.
- Aatrox is one of the most popular Top Lane bans right now at 17.16%.
2. Poppy
The next champion on our list is Poppy. Poppy is a basic, yet strong and versatile Top Laner in LoL. She is a good duelist who is a direct counter to many other champions in the current meta who are dominating the Top Lane. Thanks to her W, she can make it hard for all-in and champions with dash tools to escape her.
Poppy may not have the greatest kill pressure compared to some of the other champions on our list, but that doesn’t mean she is weak and cannot get kills during the laning phase. Outside of the laning phase, Poppy is really good at locking down immobile champions and getting picks with her teammates. Never underestimate a Poppy using her Flash E combo to pin someone down.
Poppy stats for Patch 14.6:
- Poppy had a positive win rate of 52.34%.
- She isn’t the most popular champion in the game, as she only had a 1.81% pick rate.
- There is no point really banning Poppy. She isn’t that popular, so you wont face her that much in the current meta. She had a 3.59% ban rate.
3. Vayne
Vayne has always seen some play in the Top Lane in one way or another. As a ranged champion, she can constantly bully the enemy whenever they walk up to last-hit minions. She can also freeze, zone away and gain a significant lead in the lane if they understands wave management.
Another great thing that makes Vayne so viable right now is that many Top Laners and tanks in general are abusing strong tanky items. Vayne is known as a tank killer and she can penetrate the enemy’s armor making it easier for her to kill them. You may have noticed that games are lasting a bit longer, or at least they feel like they are. Vayne has amazing scaling so she will be great in the late game.
Vayne stats for Patch 14.6:
- She has one of the better win rates in the Top Lane on this patch: sitting with a 52.34% win rate.
- In the Top Lane of Patch 14.6, Vayne had a 2.12% pick rate.
- Vayne has a 10.06% ban rate. But let’s not forget that she is played in multiple roles, so people ban her so they don’t lane against her in the bottom lane too.
4. Fiora
Every year, we always rank Fiora quite highly on our lists, and this year is no different. Thanks to her high skirmishing power and carry potential, Fiora is a great Top Laner in Season 14. If you love solo-winning games and annoying your opponents: all-ining them whenever they walk up to farm, then Fiora might be the champion for you to abuse this Season.
Fiora is amazing throughout all stages of the game. During the laning phase, she just looks to fight constantly. In the mid game, she looks to split push and apply pressure to the objectives. With her high dueling power, she can also 1v1 whoever tries to stop her. In the late game, she continues to deal a lot of damage in fights, and if she gets the chance to split, she can take those objectives quickly.
Fiora stats for Patch 14.6:
- She had a decent win rate of 52.23% on Patch 14.6
- With that win rate, she also had a 5.20% pick rate.
- Fiora has quite a considerable ban rate when you think that she’s only played in the Top Lane. But it just shows that she is really annoying to handle when she has over a 10.87% ban rate.
5. Jax
After Jax’s rework in Season 13, Jax has become a better champion in both the Top and Jungle roles. In Season 14, Jax has been proven to be a great duelling Top Laner and Jungler. While he may not have the strongest early laning phase compared to some of the other champions on our list, give him some time to scale and he will dominate the enemy Top Laner.
Jax can all-in the enemy whenever they walk up to farm (once he has some items and levels under his belt). Thanks to his E, and the current Top Lane meta, he can CC the enemy when they walk up to farm and go for a favourable trade. Post 6, his Ultimate helps him in 1v1 fights as well and he becomes stronger. Jax can always have lane priority too, so if his Jungler needs him to rotate to help, he can do so with ease.
Jax stats for Patch 14.6:
- When we look at Jax’s Top Lane stats, he has a 51.35% win rate right now.
- In the Top Lane, Jax had a 5.79% pick rate.
- Jax’s ban rate is skewed because he is also played in the Jungle role. He has a 13.27% ban rate for this patch.
6. Singed
There’s a saying in League of Legends that goes on the line of “never chase Singed”, and every day players fool for his ploy. Singed is a great champion in Season 14, who has benefited from the item and lane changes to the role. Singed has great skirmishing power throughout the laning phase, and can easily gain lane priority. From there, he can also help his Jungler with the objectives.
Singed can be a real pain to play against. At level 1 and 2, Singed can either proxy farm or stay in the lane. Post 6 and outside of the laning phase, he will continue to split push and apply pressure to side objectives. When it comes to team fighting, Singed is annoying to deal with as he can deal a lot of damage with his Q. While dealing damage, he can also soak up a lot of damage for his allies. In short, Singed can be tanky, deal a lot of damage and be areal pain to play against.
Singed stats for Patch 14.6:
- He had a win rate of 53.05%.
- Singed has a very unique play style. This can be a good or a bad thing, but personally I don’t like his play style. It is a lot different to most champions in the game. He has a 1.72% pick rate.
- The ban rate of Singed is 0.32%.
7. Malphite
Malphite is a very basic Top Laner, whose kit is extremely versatile. While he may not have the most exciting gameplay, he is consistently a great Top Laner in LoL. He is also a great champion to learn as he can teach the basics of the Top Lane for newbies to the role. What makes Malphite so good for climbing is how consistent he can be in team fights.
He may not have the strongest early game compared to some other champions on this list, but he can start trading with the enemy after he has completed his first component item. After this, you should look to actively trade with the enemy. Post 6, you should be looking to actively use your Ultimate whenever it is up. Preferably get your Jungler to gank your lane to increase your chances of getting a kill.
Malphite stats for Patch 14.6:
- Malphite had a win rate of 53.48% on Patch 14.6.
- On Patch 14.6, Malphite also had a 5.70% pick rate.
- I don’t know why people would ban Malphite. There is no point really. He has a 10.61% ban rate.
8. Irelia
Irelia has always been a great champion for a lot of Top Lane mains. She is quite hard compared to most of the other champions, but don’t let that discourage you from playing her. It will take you quite some time to master her and you may find yourself inting on her when you start off. She is also a great flex pick and can be played in the Mid Lane too.
When Irelia gets ahead, it can be hard to stop her from killing you. The enemy has to send multiple champions to prevent you from split pushing, or else she can 1v1 whoever comes to face her. This means for Irelia mains, they can often dominate the side lanes in the mid and late game and just fight and split push whenever they see fit. Need to group? No problem at all, just run in and auto the enemy!
Irelia stats for Patch 14.6:
- Irelia doesn’t have the best win rate. It is because she is quite difficult to play. Her win rate on 14.6 was 51.61%.
- On Patch 14.6, Irelia had a 3.95% pick rate.
- Irelia is a popular champion, so many people decide to ban her. She had a10.80% ban rate.
9. Shen
While Shen is never going to be the best champion for Top Lane mains, he is another great champion for those who want to learn the role or who are forced to play the lane if they get auto-filled by Riot. What makes Shen so good is that no matter how good or bad you are during the laning phase, you can always be useful throughout the game.
Shen can be quite aggressive in the laning phase, especially after he has completed his first component item as it allows him to go for more effective trades. He can then look to fight frequently: playing around his E, W and Q. Post 6, his skirmishing power really depends on who he is against, as his Ultimate is a utility tool and cannot be used in 1v1s. Outside of the laning phase, he is good at split-pushing and protecting his allies at the same time.
Shen stats for Patch 14.6:
- On Patch 14.6, Shen has a 52.18% win rate.
- He also had a 3.13% pick rate.
- There are few things in League of Legends that are more pointless than banning Shen. he has a 0.35% ban rate.
10. Akshan
Arguably one of the harder champions on our list, our 10th recommendation is every Top Laners nightmare: Akshan. Akshan is a ranged champion who will look to bully the enemy at any given chance: using his superior range to bully and harass the enemy whenever they walk up to last hit minions.
If you love bullying the enemy whenever they walk up to assert your dominance in the lane, then he might be the character for you. Akshan has tools in his kit to help him bully and all-in the enemy whenever they overextend. As gaining an advantage is quite easy on Akshan early, you can abuse this to create a big lead, and snowball from there. During the mid and late game, he can be quite hard to track, and he can pounce on any unsuspecting champion.
Akshan stats for Patch 14.6:
- Akshan’s win rate was 54.42%.
- On Patch 14.6, Akshan had a 0.53% pick rate.
- Even though Akshan is a formidable opponent, players do not ban him. He is sat with a 5.00% ban rate right now.
In Conclusion
That concludes our article detailing our suggested best carry top laners in Season 14. It’s essential to note that although we’ve highlighted the best champions, the best approach is to opt for champions you find enjoyable and are good with.
For more articles to help you climb in Season 14, head over to the Mobalytics Blog.
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