5 Least Picked Junglers in Professional League of Legends
Jungling in League of Legends is a very important task. It is one of the most impactful roles in the game, and if you’re playing with a champion that doesn’t offer their team a lot of potential, it can be tough to win the game.
In professional League of Legends, pro players generally pick meta Junglers who can create opportunities for their team. While these opportunities differ depending on team composition and what role the Jungler plays for their team, such as a carry for a tank, they always pick a champion who gives them the best chances of winning.
In this Mobalytics article, we will talk about 5 Junglers that rarely get played in Esports. Before we break down the list, who do you think will be on there? As always, you can find tips on how to play these champions in the jungle by heading over to our Mobalytics site.
Many champions may have been played in alternative roles in professional League of Legends. Because of this, we will only include traditional laners in our least picked articles. All of the stats are taken from GOL.GG. and the filters we are using are for all seasons and worldwide.
5 Least Picked Junglers in Pro League of Legends
1. Amumu
Amumu is the first Jungler on our list. He is a good champion in Solo Queue but doesn’t see much play in professional play in the jungle role. As of recent history, Amumu has been played in the Support role, but that’s beside the point.
He isn’t picked up much in pro play due to a lack of early game skirmishing. Most Amumu players will power farm early to get level 6. He cannot really power farm early and will need to be ganking. This is one of the few reasons why no one plays him in pro play. Why pick Amumu when you can pick someone who has a better early game and much higher skirmishing power?
On the contrary, Amumu is a strong Jungler in Solo Queue and a great carry in low ELO. You can get away with power farming (in the very low ELOs) and can adjust your build depending on how far ahead you are. Go AP if you’re fed, or full tank if your team needs a tank or if you’re behind.
Quick Tips
- Powerfarm and get as much XP as possible early on so you can get your Ultimate quickly.
- Once you’re level 6, make sure you gank every time your Ultimate is up. Try to gank as soon as it comes up every time to make full use of the cooldown.
- Once you’ve used your Ultimate in a team fight, either stick to the enemy backline or retreat backwards and peel for your carries.
2. Rammus
Rammus is a very strong Jungler when he is facing a team composition full of AD champions. He can be hard to take down if he just stacks armor and focuses the carry in a team fight. However, his strength in Solo Queue doesn’t transition to pro play.
In pro play, players will buy items that counter Rammus. Items that provide armor or magic pen will make it easier for the enemy to kill him. Furthermore, the Support could buy a Mikaels for their carry, or they can buy themselves a QSS to escape his taunt.
Rammus is decent in Solo Queue, but you are relying on your team more to carry you compared to other champions. He is limited in what damage he can deal, but he is still solid when he ahead. It will be hard for the enemy to kill him when he’s fed.
Quick Tips
- Your Q will get cancelled when you come in to contact with minions, monsters and champions. Ensure that you drift around minions to get the knockback.
- Look to gank as much as you can in the early game to get your allies ahead. Your E is a great ganking tool which will help you pick up free kills.
- In team fights, try to focus the squishiest member or somebody without a QSS. Taking out a key target will make it harder for the enemy to win the team fight.
3. Shaco
The king of cheese, Shaco, is a dominant champion who is played in a plethora of roles. In professional play, Shaco isn’t seen too much, and there are many reasons why. We already mentioned it in his title: he likes to cheese, but he can’t really cheese in pro play.
All the plays that Shaco is known for, such as early ganks, invades, three buff starts, repeated ganks etc, cannot be done in pro play due to vision and communication. Teams with good communication hard counter Shaco.
As we’ve stated, pros communicate well, but Solo Queue players do not. Shaco is a great solo carry Jungler to play in Solo Queue, and if you learn how to master the cheese strats he has, you’ll see yourself climbing quickly.
Quick Tips
- Try to secure every objective for your team. Thanks to your Ultimate, you have good Dragon and Rift Herald control.
- Place as many Boxes before the first camp spawns to have the healthiest clear possible.
- Use your Ultimate to dodge CC and incoming damage. Timing it just as the CC/ damage is about to hit you will make you dodge the damage.
4. Master Yi
While Master Yi is one of the most dominant Junglers for Solo Queue, he doesn’t entirely dominate pro play or see any play at all. Master Yi is a greedy champion who relies on getting a lot of gold and XP, but that isn’t what he gets to do in pro play.
Junglers will tend to play as a secondary Support and try to get their allies ahead. Most Junglers will gank and leave kills for their carries which is the opposite of what Master Yi players should do.
Master Yi is a fantastic Jungler in low ELO if you want to climb. Even with the smallest of leads, you can snowball quickly and take over the map. A fed Master Yi is tough to deal with, so even the smallest leads can lead to a big lead further down the line.
Quick Tips
- Focus on farming up a storm in the early game. Get as much gold and XP as quickly as you can so you get your Ultimate quickly.
- Solo objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald when your allies have priority nearby.
- Avoid being trigger happy with your Q. You can use it to dodge skill shots and hard CC, so try to time it appropriately in those sort of scenarios.
5. Fiddlesticks
The last champion on our list is Fiddlesticks. Fiddlesticks is a very strong Jungler once he hits level 6. He can gank his allies frequently and get over walls to surprise the enemy. Nobody respects Fiddlesticks in Solo Queue, which is why he is strong there.
The thing that prevents Fiddlesticks from being played a lot is the general coordination in pro play, which doesn’t exist in Solo Queue. Players don’t know where Fiddlesticks is most of the time, but in pro play, they do because they place wards and communicate when they spot him or where they expect him to be.
If you want to climb as a Jungler in League. I would definitely recommend Fiddlesticks. You can abuse him as players don’t often buy wards or communicate with one another.
Quick Tips
- Use your other abilities before casting your W as you will cancel the channel.
- Use your Ultimate from inside the Jungle when ganking the mid lane.
- Use your W to finish off the small krugs quickly. This can save some time and you won’t have to auto-attack each of them.
Final Thoughts
And that’s a wrap. Do any of the champions on our list surprise you? Have you seen any of these champions lately? Let us know what you want to see next. Don’t forget you can find more information about these champions with their Mobalytics champion page.
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