5 Least Picked Champions in Professional League of Legends
Pro play is something everyone loves to watch; however, it can be pretty repetitive sometimes. I used to love watching pro play, but I don’t spend as much time as I used to watch games, although I like to catch highlights from reupload channels.
I am not a huge fan of seeing the same champions over and over again, but I get why they’re played. There’s no point picking weak champions in a professional setting while there are much stronger champions around.
In today’s Mobalytics article, we will discuss 5 of the least picked champions in professional League of Legends. If you’re looking for more stats for champions in League of Legends, or if you want any more tips and tricks to play any champions on our list, then make sure you sign up for a free Mobalytics account.
Before we begin, we would just like to say that these stats and all the other stats we are using in this series of Esports guides are taken from GOL.GG. The filters we are using are all seasons and all roles, and we are not including any champions that have been released in the last year or so as some of them may be on our list.
5 Least Picked Champions in Pro League of Legends
Teemo is not very popular in pro play because of his selfish playstyle. This goes against what pro players want as they need to play as a team. He also doesn’t have much of a presence in the game. While he does a lot of different things, he doesn’t do any of them amazingly.
His playstyle is pretty scripted. Poke, split push, put shrooms everywhere. He uses the enemy’s lack of team coordination and focus to make full use of his kit. He cannot do this in pro play because the enemy will just sweep his shrooms and destroy them.
While Teemo is obnoxious and somewhat popular in League, it doesn’t transition well to pro play. If you enjoy Teemo, keep at it and keep playing him.
Quick Tips
- When laning against melee champions, use your range advantage to get poke and harass the enemy down.
- Place as many mushrooms around the map as physically possible. They will scout vision and deal damage if the enemy walks into them.
- Go invisible near mushrooms you’ve placed and then target the champion who stepped in them to get an easy kill.
Shaco is a cheesy champion who likes to make ridiculous plays and tilt the enemy. He pops up out of nowhere to take champions down and gank lanes. In Solo Queue, he dominates, but in pro play, he is never really picked.
A lot of the plays a Shaco makes are scripted. Such as early level 2 or level 3 ganks: cheese invades and stealing away camps. This cannot be done in pro play because they almost always know where he will be at any given time. He cannot pull off these stunts like he can in solo queue.
Shaco is very good in solo queue and very hard to deal with because nobody really wards and helps you counter him. Furthermore, cheese plays are easier to pull off due to a lack of awareness and team coordination.
Quick Tips
- Try to secure every objective for your team. Thanks to your Ultimate, you have good Dragon and Rift Herald control.
- Place as many Boxes before the first camp spawns to have the healthiest clear possible.
- Use your Ultimate to dodge CC and incoming damage. Timing it just as the CC/ damage is about to hit you will make you dodge the damage.
Master Yi
One of the most dominant solo queue champions is Master Yi. Unfortunately, his dominance in solo queue doesn’t transition to pro play. He needs an early lead and needs to be greedy, which players generally avoid in pro play in favour of getting their other allies ahead.
Junglers in professional League (for the most part) are secondary Supports and try to funnel kills into their allies (when playing tanks or champions with less carry potential). Master Yi cannot do that, and he needs all the gold. This goes against what team coordination and pro play are all about.
However, Master Yi is fantastic for climbing in solo queue. With a slight lead, he can take over the map and be a real pain in the ass to deal with. Just be greedy and steal all the kills, take minions and farm the jungle and you’ll be wealthy on Master Yi.
Quick Tips
- Focus on farming up a storm in the early game. Get as much gold and XP as quickly as you can so you get your Ultimate quickly.
- Solo objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald when your allies have priority nearby.
- Avoid being trigger happy with your Q. You can use it to dodge skill shots and hard CC, so try to time it appropriately in those sort of scenarios.
The fourth champion on this list is Rammus. Rammus is a very basic champion. He rolls up, taunts a champion and then consumes damage. Easy! Well, what makes him good is actually one of his downfalls.
Pro players know the best builds and how to counter specific builds and champions. Rammus is easily countered via items such as QSS or Mikaels. Also, pro players will build armour-penetrating items to make it easier for them to kill him. Players in solo queue do not always do this.
I think Rammus is a good champion in solo queue, but you do rely on allies to win the game unless you get an early lead. He is pretty simple, and ganking on him is very easy with his Q and taunt.
Quick Tips
- Your Q will get cancelled when you come in to contact with minions, monsters and champions. Ensure that you drift around minions to get the knockback.
- Look to gank as much as you can in the early game to get your allies ahead. Your E is a great ganking tool which will help you pick up free kills.
- In team fights, try to focus the squishiest member or somebody without a QSS. Taking out a key target will make it harder for the enemy to win the team fight.
Amumu is the last champion on our list and somewhat an oddball. In recent times, he has seen a lot more play than he has historically, however, it was in a completely different role. I think he is a pretty good Support, and if we were to make this list a year from now, I don’t think he would be on here.
Amumu has a lot of play-making potential with his Q and Ultimate. He can start team fights by picking champions off who are out of position. Furthermore, his kit is somewhat versatile, and he can be built either full AP or tank, depending on his team’s needs.
Unfortunately, he relies on his team much more than some of the other champions on our list. I still think that the crying mummy is a pretty solid pick in solo queue both as a Jungler and a Support.
Quick Tips
- Powerfarm and get as much XP as possible early on so you can get your Ultimate quickly.
- Once you’re level 6, make sure you gank every time your Ultimate is up. Try to gank as soon as it comes up every time to make full use of the cooldown.
- Once you’ve used your Ultimate in a team fight, either stick to the enemy backline or retreat backwards and peel for your carries.
Ending Thoughts
I’m a bit surprised by Amumu being on our list, but other than that, I’m not surprised by anyone else. None of the other champions on our team are really versatile: and versatility is something pro players love. If you want to find any more tips on how to play these champions, or if you want to learn how to play against them, head over to Mobalytics.
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